
315 24 11

co-written with @SilverRse!

Izuku knocked on his neighbor's door before he could process what he was doing in his sleep deprived brain. Before he could run back to the safety of his penthouse, the door latch clicked open.

"Changed your mind?" Shigaraki answered the door. Izuku stood dumbstruck, words curling up and dying in his mouth. Shigaraki's hair was slightly messy and damp, most likely from a recent shower. He had no upper clothing to speak of, showing off his abs and impressive upper body build. There was a patchwork of scars and marred skin all over Shigaraki's body, and Izuku briefly wondered what had happened for the older man to get all these injuries. All Shigaraki wore were gray sweatpants, hanging low on his hips, also giving Izuku a glimpse of the waistband of his boxers.

"My eyes are up here," Shigaraki dryly said. "But please feel free to continue to ogle me."

Izuku immediately snapped his eyes back to Shigaraki's face, blushing crimson. "I wasn't– I..." Izuku felt tingles run down his spine as he made eye contact with Shigaraki. The way the taller man looked at him made Izuku want to shrink and disappear— or fuck him until Izuku couldn't feel his legs anymore. WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT THOUGHT COME FROM??! Izuku was appalled. Moving on...

"I did change my mind." Izuku swallowed his pride. He was doing this for Eri.

"Please come in." Shigaraki opened the door wider. "We can talk more freely in privacy."

Izuku hesitantly stepped through the doorway. It felt like walking into a lion's den, and Izuku's uneasiness only intensified when the door automatically locked behind him.

To distract himself from his anxiety, Izuku looked around. Shigaraki walked in front of Izuku, flipping on light switches as he went, drawing attention to his broad shoulders, his accentuated back and... Nope! I'm not looking at him!

Izuku tore his gaze from Shigaraki's body to the surroundings around him. The host's penthouse was an exact replication of Izuku's, structural wise; with skylights and an open space living room, but Shigaraki had adorned the place with dark colored furniture, giving the place a cold, polished look. The windows seemed to be darkly tinted as well but didn't distract the viewer from the glittering city lights of Tokyo.

"Would you like anything to drink? Water? Coke? Alcohol? I had some Barolo wine imported from Italy this morning," Shigaraki called, stepping into his kitchen and gesturing to the bottle from the wine rack.

"I'm good, thank you," Izuku politely declined.

"Suit yourself." Shigaraki shrugged. "But I think you'll need a glass or two to get through the night," he commented, pulling out two glasses from a cabinet.

Shigaraki guided Izuku over to the couch, setting the glass down and popping the cork off the Barolo. Generously pouring wine to the brim of his wine glass, Shigaraki leaned back and drained the entire glass in one go. Izuku could only watch in fascination, a little impressed by how quickly the liquid disappeared.

"So. I'm assuming that you did receive a blackmail from Chisaki Tech." Shigaraki said, setting down his empty glass, the act drawing attention to his bare torso as the muscles stretched as Shigaraki leaned forward. The lack of clothing on Shigaraki made Izuku suddenly conscious of his disorderly state. The top two buttons of his wrinkled button-down were undone, and the shirt was half untucked over his black slacks. But the wrinkled clothing, or the lack of in Shigaraki's case, wasn't the topic here.

Izuku straightened his back. "Yes."

"I would say that I did advise against refusing my service." Shigaraki grinned, showing off pearly white teeth. "How many men will you require?"

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