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Izuku Midoriya woke up to the sound of his daughter jumping on his bed.

"Mamaaaa!! Wake up! It's your birthday!" Eri shook Izuku with her tiny hands.

"Sweetie, mommy's tired..." Izuku groaned, smiling as he gently tussled Eri's silvery locks. He looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was 6:32 AM, and he still had an hour before he had to get ready for a board meeting.

"But I wanted to bake the bestest cake for you." Eri pouted. "Pleeeeaase? It's going to be strawberry with lots and lots of sprinkles, and cherries, and ice cream, and um, cookies!"

Izuku laughed at Eri's enthusiasm. "You have a sweet tooth, don't you sweetie?" Izuku pulled Eri into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Alright. Let's go bake that cake."

"Yaaaay!" Eri whooped, jumping off the bed. Izuku smiled fondly at the five-year old, as he groggily shimmied himself out of the sheets and yawned.

He followed his daughter to the kitchen of his penthouse. The sunrise outside the windows tinted the white-marble countertops in hues of orange and pink. Izuku turned the coffee machine on, waiting for his morning brew, while his daughter rummaged through the pantry for strawberry cake mix. Blowing on top of the mug, he let the warmth from the coffee heat up his hands.

"Twenty-two, huh," Izuku murmured to himself. "Happy birthday me." Izuku leaned against the counter, reminiscing last year. After he took over Gejitsu as CEO a couple months ago, he was able to move into this penthouse and provide Eri with a larger living space with anything she wanted. After growing up in poverty, with his mother passing away when he was eleven, Izuku wanted Eri to have everything that he couldn't as a child. Izuku had to admit to himself, he was spoiling his child rotten; yet she was still well behaved and respectful, which he was immensely grateful for.

"Mama, can you get the mixer for me?" Eri asked, setting all the ingredients on the counter next to where Izuku was standing. She had already gotten the cake mix and other ingredients from the fridge, and now was dragging a chair over to the counter to stand on it.

"Mmm," Izuku sipped his coffee, walking over to the overhead cabinet to take out the mixer and bowl. He set the coffee down, using both hands to carry the heavy mixer and set it onto the counter. "Will that be all you require, my princess?" Izuku jokingly asked in a British accent.

"That will be all, thank you," Eri also mimicked the accent, smiling brightly at her parent. "I'll make you the best birthday cake ever!" Eri pumped her fist in the air.

"I believe in you!" Izuku laughed, hugging Eri and kissing her cheek. "Mommy's gonna get her phone real quick, so make sure not to burn the house down," Izuku poked Eri, making her giggle.

Izuku walked back into the bedroom and grabbed his phone, a little crease forming between his eyebrows when he saw an urgent email notification. Izuku unlocked the phone and opened the email, his lips turning into a frown once he read the contents. The stock market profit for Gejitsu was still fair, yet the rival company's stocks had increased 30 percent in less than twenty-four hours. That was concerning.

Izuku turned the phone off, making a mental note to himself to investigate further. He shoved the phone into his short's pocket and stepped back into the kitchen.

Eri had set up her iPad and was watching a baking video, which she was pausing from time to time as she added the instructed ingredients into the mixer.

"Oh my god, it smells so good already!" Izuku praised his daughter, getting his coffee mug.

"I'm almost done," Eri's face was twisted in concentration, as she cracked open the egg and then ran over to the sink to wash her hands. "Can I set the oven temperature now?"

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