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The next morning, Izuku was rudely awoken by clattering and giggling from the kitchen. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. What is all that noise?

Izuku slipped on a robe, shuffling sleepily to investigate the source of the noise. Eri and Shigaraki were in the kitchen, throwing handfuls of flour at each other. Eri giggled uncontrollably as she ran around trying to dodge the puffs of flour Shigaraki threw her way. The entire kitchen was covered in white powder, making it look like a blizzard came through.

"Eri! Tomura!" Izuku snapped. Shigaraki glanced up, hiding the handful of flour he had in his right hand behind his back. Eri paused as well, looking guiltily up at Izuku. "Look at the state of the kitchen!"

"Uh oh, Mama's mad," Shigaraki whispered loudly to Eri. Izuku rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Mama." Eri fidgeted with her hands. "We were trying to make pancakes for you... I promise I'll clean up the mess!"

Izuku's heart couldn't help but melt at that sweet gesture. "Aww..." Izuku crouched down to Eri's eye level, pulling her into a hug. "I appreciate it, but could you make pancakes next time without covering the kitchen in flour?" Izuku said dryly.

"I promise." Eri nodded enthusiastically.

"Good girl. I'll help you clean up." Izuku wiped a smudge of flour from Eri's cheek and kissed her flour-covered fingers.

"Where's my kiss?" Shigaraki joined them on the floor, looking expectantly with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Eat sh–" Izuku was about to repeat Katsuki's favorite signature phrase but paused, remembering that Eri was there, "--iitake mushrooms!" He finished, scowling at the equally flour-dusted figure.

"Ouch," Shigaraki replied. "Is Mama usually this cranky in the mornings?" He turned to Eri.

"I'm just a little mad that you coerced my daughter into turning this place into such a wonderful winter wonderland." Izuku brightly smiled at Shigaraki, making sure that the sarcastic intent was clear. "In the middle of summer." He deadpanned.

"I'm glad you appreciate the interior upgrade," Shigaraki replied in mock seriousness, before pushing the handful of flour he had into Izuku's face. "There. Now you match the theme."

Izuku blinked, some flour falling off his eyelashes. 

"You. Tomura Shigaraki. Are a dead man," Izuku growled, picking up some flour from the floor and throwing it in the white-haired man's face.

Eri giggled as the adults lobbed handfuls of flour at each other, resuming the flour fight. She joined the war, picking up her own flour artillery with her tiny fists.


After hours later spent fighting, cleaning, and then finishing those pancakes, Izuku leaned back in his chair and sighed. Shigaraki knew how to make some damn good pancakes.

"Thanks for breakfast, Papa," Eri thanked Shigaraki.

"No problem kid." Shigaraki ruffled Eri's hair. "Those pancakes were easy peasy–"

"Lemon squeezy!" Eri finished.

They were already cracking jokes. Izuku sighed exasperatedly in his mind.

Izuku couldn't help but smile fondly at the interaction between the two. Shigaraki was right... Eri did look happier.

"You still got flour in your hair." Shigaraki commented, walking to the kitchen sink to wash off the powdery residue.

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