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"Yoongi?!", Yoongi searched for who had shouted his name, Hoseok was fast asleep on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi's body suddenly numbed when a blonde haired girl came into view.....


Yoongi immediately froze when blond hair came to view and Hoseok,who was sleeping,was awaken by the suddenly loud squeaky voice she immediately sat up from Yoongi's lap and looked around while Yoongi seemed to be conflicted by something

"Oh it's you. It's just that i wasn't totally sure it was you ,what are you doing here it's almost dark shouldn't you be home by now" the loud girl said not noticing the girl whom Yoongi was with , Yoongi who was holding Hoseok tight,side eyed the girl and immediately all the past  memories clouded his head he wanted to scoff and tell this girl to leave but he couldn't.why?..he didn't know. Yoongi wanted to beat himself for that why is he suddenly like all these two years he had been prepared for this but now this?. Hell he wanted to disappear right then.

Hey! earth to Yoongi" the girl snapped her fingers bringing back Yoongi into reality which he so badly wanted it to be a dream.

Hoseok who had been eyeing the duo curiously she tagged her boyfriend's denim jeans jacket"What's happening? Who is this and why are you so tense?" Hoseok whispered into her boyfriend's ear ,Yoongi cleared his throat "nothing bun and she's no one you should worry about ok?now why don't you be a good girl and sit here while i'll be talking with these lady ok?"Yoongi gave her a peck on her lips and Hoseok replied with a nod, the girl who has been watching this whole interaction rolled her eyes.

"Now tell me what do you want" Yoongi irritated "long time no see huh you have changed a lot damn you out here looking like a whole snack" the girl sexily said making Yoongi roll his eyes "look Nancy i have no time for your games now what you want?"

"I want you of course" the girl otherwise known as Nancy came closer to Yoongi before whispering those unneeded words and went on bitting his earlobe probably doing it on purpose and it worked as Hoseok who's had enough of what the girl was doing on Yoongi and what angered her the most was that her stupid good for nothing boyfriend stood the like a toy letting this girl play with him,Hoseok seemed to be so frustrated that she didn't even notice a disgusted scoff came out of her mouth on it's own

And it didn't get unnoticed by Nancy who had a smirk on "sorry do have a problem and stuff?" Nancy asked giving Hoseok dirty looks "errm ....do i ?" Hoseok questioned giving her the same vibe crossing her arms up her chest "i don't know it seems like do and well i mean i wasn't even talking to you,i was only talking with my Yoonie and in fact i don't even know you"

"Yeah right your Yoonie and let me give you a piece of information i don't need to be known by cunts like..she poused forming a disgusted face face almost like she saw the most disgusting thing in the world, moving her index finger up and down on her Nancy's direction "..you and if you thin.." Hoseok did was cut off by Yoongi's voice.

"Hoseok enough! and you Nancy leave" Yoongi had cut them off almost startling Hoseok as her eyes grew wide,to be honest it kinda hurt Hoseok's feeling's Yoongi never raised his voice on her now why did that change?

"At least i'm not a fatty like you bitch" Nancy said and those words made Hoseok's stomach twist a bit and tears slipped down her cheeks she quickly wiped them and left running to any where her feet could possibly take her.rushing after Hoseok,Yoongi lost track on her so he angrily took Nancy who has been following him by her arm harshly forced her to come with him.

"Yaah! Yoongi let me go you're hurting me" Nancy shouted attracting people who were already looking at them "what the fuck was that for?" she asked after Yoongi had released her, she rubbed her arm that had a red mark on it.

"Well you deserve it,why the fuck do you have to ruin everything for me?" Yoongi angrily asked through gritted teeth,"what do you mean i deserve it huh?the one that really deserve it is that fatty you call a friend and don't you dare talk to me like that"

Yoongi had to restrain himself from slapping this girl in front of him "she is my girlfriend get that in your head ok?"

Yeah sure whatever it doesn't change the fact that she's still fat don't you notice"Nancy rolled her eyes.

Yoongi just closed his eyes and took a long deep breath attempting to calm he's nerves"Nancy asking you for the last time what do you want from me?"

"I want forgiveness Yoongi please, i want you we can start a new life chapter and think of our future plans like the old days" Nancy even went far and knelt in a begging manner

"Wow i can't believe it. you  begging for forgiveness an all mighty cheater begging for second chance no maybe my ears are deceiving me hell i think they are playing tricks on me, do you think i'll ever forgive you huh?.you cheated on me for fuck sake not once but trice you broke my heart in to million pieces Nancy Jewel Mcdonie Kim the thing that piss me off is that i thought we had bond that couldn't be broken by any one But i guess i was that one dumb here, hell i was head over heal for you"

"Look we can make it work all over again Yoongi i swear i will not cheat on you just please i'm begging you" Nancy desperately begged her eyes starting to tear up that made Yoongi sigh looking around seeing people looking at them "Nancy get up you're attracting unwanted attention and please stop crying" Yoongi then hold her up softly and wiped her tears "stop crying we can't get back together Nancy that's not how things work it's been a year and and a half since we decided to end things and we can't just fix things between us even if i would say let's try things will never get back like it used to and besides i have someone"..

Yoongi said hugging the girl because why not Yoongi loved and cherished Nancy overall the things she's done she is still his first love, some people viewed the Yoongi as this bad guy with the most stinky attitude but Yoongi was totally the opposite of that Yoongi was a loving person with a big heart " can you at least be my friend?" Nancy suggested after they pulled apart, Yoongi sighed looking down at the girl who looked up at him trying her best to form a very innocent face, Yoongi slightly smiled and kissing her forehead " yes i can"

Nancy quickly pulled Yoongi into a tight hug smirking on a certain direction. See Nancy knew of ways on manipulating people she was good at that and to Yoongi's case she had to admit that she knew of how to act and also she was well aware of a certain someone who's been observing them with nothing but tears on her face and that certain someone turned to be Hoseok.

Well it turns out that Hoseok didn't go to far from where they were and the devil knew her  presence so she did what other devil's would do which involves manipulating Yoongi who so oblivious to notice he was being played and he really didn't know what would come to him in the near future only Nancy and her mind knew of that..

Ohohoh it's getting hot out here damn Nancy is Yoongi's ex to those who didn't really understand the situation and on the next chapter we will be discovering what's going on with Hoseok's health..

To my things clear i don't have anything against Nancy actually she's my lovely fluff ball i love her so much...❤️😘


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