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"Ahhh!,what really!!?" Jin asked with a loud voice people around her looking at her weirdly but she quickly mumbled a short sorry.

"Yes i'm coming this weekend" the person on the other side of the phone said making Jin jump in excitedly "wow i can't believe it's been a long while since we've seen each other, yeah I've seen your pictures with minsung but talking to you face to face "Jin said with a way too shiny smile "Aww don't cry" the person teased " but really though i miss you so so much" Jin inquired "me too i'm glad you haven't forgotten about me"  Hoseok said"i will never forget about you none of us would especially a certain someone. anyways i can't wait to tell everyone that you are coming back, i bet they will be so happy like i am".

"I better get going i'll be late for the meeting byee !"Hoseok bid them goodbye".

"I too need to go back to work see you then" Jin hung up the phone going back to her work which was testing her patients.

After work Seokjin couldn't contain her happiness so right after arriving at home she helped her , 3year old girl eat and waited for her husband to come home.

Time floated by and her husband was already home now sitting in the dinner table with his wife and child "Namjoon did you receive my messages? "Jin excitedly asked to which Namjoon shook his head " no what was that about?".

"Hoseok is coming back to Korea!" Jin exclaimed "woah that's wonderful i really missed her when will she arrive?" Namjoon asked with beautiful smile caressing his lips "ohh this weekend" Seokjin said to which Namjoon quickly furrowed his eyebrows "what?" Seokjin had noticed Namjoon's face change asked.

"Nothing it's just that Yoongi will be coming this weekend and I didn't think he will be that happy to see his ex" Namjoon replied "I don't care if his happy or not the only thing i care about is that one of my best friend will finally visit us after such a long time".

"You're right but i care more about my childhood best friend" Namjoon inquired.

"You now Namjoon i won't let this be our argument okay?now that's final" Seokjin sternly said."okay then" Namjoon defeatedly agreed before taking one big bite on his delicious food that his lovely wife prepared.

"I already told Jimin to tell everyone since i didn't have much  time to tell them" Seokjin said taking dirty plate placing it in the sink "me and Namjin will go to bed now ".

"Okay i'll be go to my office, i'll join you after i'm done working" Namjoon sat up too giving a kiss to Namjin who just made a grabby hands towards her dad muttering a small "dada".


By Thursday everyone knew that Hoseok was coming back  to South Korea, the only person who didn't know Hoseok was coming was Yoongi.

Yoongi really had no idea of what was coming in the future the only thing he knew was that he is gonna spend the dinner with the Kim's... Yoongi sighed feeling his body sore up,he was in his office by now doing what he usually does drowning himself with work,but today he wasn't feeling it, he couldn't shake the feeling that he felt during all these days.

You may  be asking what was he feeling.well he had a feeling that he will see something he didn't want to see."it's probably nothing I should go back to work"Yoongi muttered to be himself.

After some more hours Yoongi was already done for today so he decided to go home.the ride back to his mansion was surprisingly calm he had opened a radio station in which was a talk show.

Upon arriving at his lonely home, he took his shoes off go straight to cupboard area taking antidepressants pills before drinking all of them in one go.after that he went straight to bed not bothering to eat ,not like food will stay down anyways.

Friday. It was already Friday and Hoseok was really anxious to see her friends and the ex love of her life."Jung Minsung!?go pack your bags why are you here?"

"But mom Lina said I should wait for her here she will be helping me pack my bags"

"No go do  it yourself big boy "Hoseok shouted."but Mum there are plenty of maids in this house why can't they do it for me ". Minsung whined "you need to be responsible, you see where we are going there will be no one who will take care of you, so you need to start doing your own things in your own way".

"Yes ma'am" Minsung saluted going up the long stair leaving a stressed out Hoseok .

"I have to get someone that would manage my business and I know just the person for that" Hoseok mumbled to herself taking her phone out her back pocket going to her contacts dialing her best friend's number .
The were few rings untile she heard soft shuffling on the other side of the phone

..."hello?" Kate greeted "hey Kate can you please come to my house, I really need to ask you a favor" Hoseok said and the was a quiet moment about 4 seconds before Kate sounded "sure ".

"Ok then see you later".

"Bye Hoseok" and with that Hoseok hung up her phone going back to what she was previously doing which was scolding her lazy ass son and sitting around doing nothing but watching tv.

After some time Minsung came out of his room after he  finished packing his clothes in his big suitcase. " Mom can I ask you something?" Minsung questioned catching Hoseok off-guard as she sensed sadness in his voice "yeah sure what's up?" Hoseok asked holding her son up sitting him on her lap
" mom since we are going to Korea, does that mean we are going to be meeting dad?" The 4 year old boy asked his mother who was taken aback by the sudden question "Mmh most likely but i'm not sure . Why are you asking" Hoseok said  "I don't know, will he accept me? . I heard you and and uncle bob talking about him the other day. Did he really do what uncle bob said?" Minsungi asked

" hey! why are you being so nosey you, shouldn't pick your head on adult news ok?" Hoseok scold and smack his head a little as her heart fell down her gut.

"I know mom, i'm sorry I was just on my way to fetch water for Lina but on my way there I overheard you two talking, it wasn't my intentions but your conversation was too interesting" Minsungi explained.

"Whatever don't ever do that to anyone baby ok?"

"Ok mom will never, I promise" the younger promised and hugged his mother " now, now love sit here I will let the maids know you're hungry" Hoseok said.

"Ok mom" the mother and son duo on the couch watching their favorite cartoon.

Hours passed and the duo heard the bell door ring " I will get that" one of the maids said from afar  opening the door " hey Kate what are you doing here?" The maid asked and Kate just smiled and answered " i'm here to see Hoseok"

"Oh  she's in the lounging area" the maid said "thanks i'll go now" Kate thanked and made her way towards the sitting room.

"Kate!!" Minsung shouted jumping off the couch hopping his way towards his mother's best friend. " Aahh! My favorite person in the world" Kate hugged the boy "i'm offended you are literally my best friend" Hoseok inquired with a oh so sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, yeah we know that granny" Minsungi said and rolled his eyes " anyways I need to go to my room bye" Minsung wiggled his way out of Kate's soft hug and ran upstairs to his room.

after that Hoseok and Kate settled in Hoseok's home office...


Yelp this is my update, i know i was supposed to update on Monday but i couldn't, i was just busy with my school work and well i'm trying to finish this book so i could focus on my up coming examinations...The will be other chapters following this one and if possible i'll be finishing up today..

Peace ✌🏾

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