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"You do look good. I don't know what you mean."


Anna's POV:

"How many carbs are there in cornflakes?" I asked with the mouth full while looking at the box. We were all sitting around the table, me squeezed between Tom and Bill since we where five and it was a table for four, we had been driving for two hours now and still had 3-4 more to go.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure they're healthy." Bill shrugged and and ate a spoonful of his own bowl.

"Why do you even want to know?" Tom asked, also with the mouth full.

"I'm thinking of going on a diet." I shrugged and leant back in my seat.

"Why would you go on a diet?" Georg asked and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well if we're going to become famous I want to look good." I said and crossed my arms.

"You do look good. I don't know what you mean." Tom said and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"I've gained a few pounds the last couple of months.." I sighed and threw my head back.

"Yeah for a good reason. You looked like a stick before." Bill said to remind me that I haven't gotten fat. I've just recovered from my ed.

I cringed at the thought of me a year ago. I looked horrible and I don't understand why the guys kept being friends with me.

But they did and now we're here.

"Yeah you're right, I guess. But if you ever see me with a double chin. You tell me." I warned them and they all nodded.


We've now arrived at the place in Kiel where we're holding the concert tomorrow, so the rest of the day today is just gonna be rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals.

We stepped out of the bus and walked inside the stadium. It was humongous and for the first 10 minutes, we just played around. Tom and Georg found some rolling thing and me and Gustav found a tennis ball we threw back and forth in the gigantic building.

"Run Long!" I yelled and Gustav started running while I threw the ball. He wasn't fast enough and fell down. We all burst into laughing, even Gustav.

"My guy ate shit." Tom laughed and I started laughing harder.

Soon David came over to us and said we had to start the rehearsals. We all grabbed our instruments and went to the scenes.

Me and Tom played a few notes while standing beside each other, just to see if the sound was working, and while doing so, we noticed Marcus filming us.

I smiled at the camera and Tom acted like he didn't see it so I decided to wet my finger and stick it in his head for some fun.

Tom screamed and jumped up and looked at me offended while I was dying of laughter.

Bill was singing so when we interrupted him he looked at us.

Me and Tom quickly shut up and continued to play our guitars. After a few minutes Marcus came over to us with the camera.

"So guys can you tell us a little about what we're doing?" He asked.

"Well right now we're doing rehearsals to check if the sound is working, so we're checking Gustav's drums, Georg's bass, Bills microphone and me and Anna's Guitars." Tom explained.

"It looked like you two were doing anything else but rehearsing." Marcus pointed out, referring to 10 minutes back when we were just talking, some people might say flirting.

"Well it was Gustav's turn so we just talked." I smiled and took my guitar off since we were done with the rehearsals for today.

We have 1 more tomorrow morning and one in the afternoon before the concert that starts at 8.

But right now we're going to our first interview..

I'm so excited, but I'm also shitting my pants in fear. What if the interviewer is an asshole?

Anyways. We went to the bus where we drove to the place the interview is being held. We looked out the windows and there were fans EVERYWHERE. They had signs and had there hands up in the air, screaming.

I let out a nervous laugh.

"Alright, we don't have much time to autographs today, but you can take a few pictures before we go inside." David said and we walked out.

When we stepped out everyone started screaming even louder. We just walked over to the first people behind the metal fence and wrote a few autographs and took some pictures before we walked inside the building.

We all got to the backstage where we sat in the sofas before being told to go to the stage.

"Let's welcome, Tokio hotel!" The host introduced us while we walked inside and everyone started clapping and screaming.

We waved while walking in and sat us in the long sofa. Tom sat closest to the host and I sat between him and Bill.

Tom      Anna        Bill         Georg        Gustav.

"So, Tokio hotel. You guys are the 1 trending band here in Germany right now. How does that feel?" The host asked. (I'll call him Brian.)

"Well it feels awesome! We have already made so many great memories and we are already on the way to so many more!" Bill said. It was always Bill who talked because he's best at it.

"Good to hear. Tell me Anna, how does it feel to be in an all boy band?" Brian asked and all the attention went on me.

"It's great! I mean I miss having a girl-talk once in a while. But Bill gives pretty good tips too I guess." I smiled and Everyone laughed.

"Nice. And I need to ask for the fans. Are there ever any crushes involved?" Brian asked and it went quiet.

"Yes of course there has been crushes. I've actually had a crush on each of the guys when we were younger but that's over now. But I don't think you can literally live with four guys and not have a crush on anyone." I laughed.

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