Sequel of the old, prequel of the new

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"Hey brother?" Alluka asked her brother. They were in a mall looking for a taser, maybe some chocolate too.

They were on the run, hiding away from their family, or more specifically, Illumi.

But that didn't mean they couldn't have fun.

"Yes, Alluka?" Killua asked her with a small smile. He held a shopping basket in his cubital fossa with a taser and some chocolates inside.

"Can you buy me a new dress?" Alluka asked shyly.

In which Killua chuckled softly and nodded. "Of course."

He turned to Alluka. "But first, let's buy these and then we'll buy you a dress."

Alluka nodded excitedly. "Yay! Thank you Onii-Chan!"

They walked together to a self check out register. As Killua was checking out and buying the contents in the shopping basket, Alluka was thinking of what kind of dress she wanted.

A couple seconds later, Alluka felt a hand slip into hers and she glanced behind her to see Killua holding a grocery bag while holding her own hand.

"Let's go?" He asked, but it wasn't really a question.

"Yah!" She said happily.

They held hands while walking to a clothing store.

They were met with cool air when they entered the store.

All kinds of clothes hung on the walls and such, from 1900s clothes to a futuristic type.

Alluka's eyes wandered to the dress section, and she giddily skids over to the dresses, pulling a Killua-who-may-actually-be-a-cat with her.

She gasps. There was so many clothes to pick from, but her eyes landed on the dress that was of similar structure to her own, but with different colors.

The top part was completely white, and the dress/skirt part was all red.

Killua chuckled beside her. "Do you like that one?" He asked her, as if he didn't already know the answer.

"Yeah! I like this one, can I get it?" Alluka agreed as she took the dress off the hook.

"Of course, why else are we here?"

Alluka is really happy that someone loves her. Unlike her family, who call her a monster because of Nanika, Killua accepted her.

He doesn't misgender her like their family does, he doesn't use her like a weapon as Illumi attempts to do.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Killua speak. "Well? Try it on."

In which she gladly complied. Alluka walked into the dressing room, taking off her original clothes and putting on the new one.

She looked at herself in the mirror, swirling around as the dress swirled with her. She giggled. The dress looked really cute in her.

-I wonder what Killua would think- She thought eagerly, opening the door and stepping out.

"Hey Onii-Chan, do you like it?" She asked, excited for his opinion.

Because no one else listens to his opinions.

"Yeah, you look beautiful." He smiles at her, and Alluka can tell it's genuine.

She can always tell.

After hearing his thoughts about it, Alluka steps back into the dressing room and dresses back into her original clothes.

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