hanbin - practice room

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'ding! ding!' you heard your phone chime. picking up your phone, you saw that you had multiple messages from the zerobaseone members.

hao :
y/n! could you come to the practice room if you're free?

matthew :
hey y/n! are you free rn?

ricky :
hanbin hyung is acting weird... can you come make him normal?

gyuvin :
y/nieee!! hanbin hyung is overworking himself and he isn't listening to us...

yujin :
y/n noona! hanbin hyung needs you!! come down please!!

confused, you type a reply to each of the members telling them that you'd head down to the practice room now and that you'd bring food for all of them.

quickly throwing on one of hanbin's sweaters and a pair of joggers, you grabbed your wallet and began heading down to hanbin's favourite restaurant to get food for him and the members.

after securing the food, you made your way to the practice room wear you saw eight of the nine members resting in the floor.

"y/n! you're finally here! hanbin hyung hasn't come out of the vocal training room and whenever one of us goes in, he just glares at us and ignores us!" gunwook informed you as gyuvin and taerae help you take the 3 bags of food you were carrying.

"don't worry guys, come eat your lunch. i'll go pass him some food and take care of him." you said as you took a container filled with hanbins favourite noodles.

"i really hope he'll listen to you. thank you so much for the food!" zhanghao told you as a chorus of thank yous could be heard from the members. you smiled and assured them before heading towards the vocal training room where you knew hanbin was.

pushing open the door gently, you watch as hanbin, back facing you, groaned frustratedly and tried going over the lyrics of the song again. closing the door behind you, the sound jolted hanbin out of his trance.

"i've already told you guys a million times. i'm fine. just leave me alone!" hanbin sighed, annoyed.

"you're clearly not fine. the members are worried about you..." you say softly. almost immediately, hanbin's body whipped around to face you. it was only then did you realise that his eyes were puffy and he had tear streaks left on his face.

"baby, what's wrong? come here." your eyes softened after noticing the state he was in. hanbin immediately made his way to you and pulled you into the tightest hug you've ever received.

softly running your hands through his hair, you whispered encouraging messages for your boyfriend as he tried his hardest to not break down. after 5 minutes of silent hugging, hanbin began explaining the reason for his current state.

he explained that he was feeling pressured and that he felt as though he wasn't good enough to be the leader. he shared with you his worries and troubles that he tried to confine to himself. as you silently stroked his thumb while listening to his story, you felt your heart break for your amazing boyfriend infront of you.

"hanbin, look at me. you are amazing just the way you are. you're the best leader the members could ask for and you're so talented and i love you so so so much so please don't ever doubt yourself." you said said him softly before pulling him into a hug and giving him a chaste kiss.

"you always know how to make me feel better. what did i do to deserve you, y/n." hanbin mumbled out as he buried his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.

"wait, the members told me you haven't eaten yet! it's way past lunch time now! come! let's eat now!" you suddenly remembered grabbing the container filled with food. hanbin's eyes lit up in recognition at the familiar box of his favour restaurant and a smile was plastered on his face.

"i love you so so much! thank you for everything!" hanbin said to you as he pecked your forehead and began digging in.

smiling at him, you replied "i love you too. so so much."

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