yujin - cafeteria

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"y/niee let's go for lunch!" your boyfriend yujin cheerfully said as he stood infront of your desk.

you smiled as you looked up at yujin, eyes crinkling. yujin internally cooed at how adorable he found you as he patiently waited for you to grab your phone and wallet.

"come on! it's burger day at the cafeteria today!" yujin cheered as he put his hand out for you to hold.

grabbing his hand, your phone and wallet, yujin began dragging you towards the cafeteria. insisting that you guys need to hurry before the 'good' burgers run out, yujin basically lugged you into the queue of the cafeteria.

resting your head on his arm as you guys waited in the fast moving queue, yujin softly ran his hand through your hair.

"are you tired?" he asked softly. humming a no, you started playing with his fingers before looking up at him and placing a small kiss on his collar.

his face turned bright red as he used both his hands to try and cover his tomato covered face. giggling to yourself, you pulled his arm as you guys finally reached the counter.

"hi! could we get 2 burgers? no pickles please! thank you so much!" you cheerfully said to the lunch ladies as your boyfriend was still experiencing shyness from your previous kiss.

after paying for the meal, both of you headed to the table filled with both your friends and sat down.

opening your burger, you happily began eating it when you tasted the rancid and unappetising taste of a pickle in your mouth. to your horror, the lunch lady had forgotten to remove the pickles from your burger and you could see the green pickle sticking out from your burger.

yujin noticed your disgusted face and immediately handed you a bottle of water. seeing the half bitten pickle in your burger, he immediately checked his. sighing in relief when he didn't see any pickles in his, he turned to you and began laughing at your misfortune.

hearing yujin's loud laugh you glared at him and slipped the half bitten pickle into his burger while he was too busy laughing. after finally calming himself down, yujin unknowingly bit into his burger containing the othe half of the pickle.

immediately his face filled with disgust and he spit out the bite. this time it was your turn to laugh. yujin looked at you in shock, disbelief and betrayal as he began chugging down the water he had previously handed you.

"that's what you get for laughing babe!" you happily grinned watching yujin glare at you. looking at you cheekily smiling at him, yujin couldn't help but crack a smile.

"do you know what they say about the pickle theory?" he asked you watching you frown confused.

"since we both hate pickles, we are meant to be!" he grinned cheerfully before pasting a chaste kiss on your lips.

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