ricky - theme park

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"babe! hurry up! we have to get there before the crowd reaches!" ricky called out from the living room.

"coming! five more minutes!" you yelled back out to him from the bathroom. it was your 2 year anniversary date and ricky decided that it'll be fun to head to the theme park that you guys went to on your first date.

rushing down to the living room, you found ricky dressed comfortably and simply but in your eyes he looked amazing.

hearing your footsteps, ricky turned to face you. "ready to go?" he asked with a slight smile while checking out your outfit. nodding your head excitedly, you headed over to the door to put on your shoes, ricky not far behind.

on the drive there, you blasted your favourite songs and belted out the lyrics. unknown to you, ricky held the fondest smile as he watched you sing your favourite song.

after a short drive, ricky parked that car in an empty lot. just as you were about to open the car door, ricky rushed out to your side of the car and opened the door for you.

"after you my lady." he said with a cheeky grin and his hand out. laughing to yourself, you grabbed onto his hand and allowed him to escort you out of the car.

with your intertwined hands, you and ricky headed into the park. ricky knew exactly which ride he was heading towards.

"ricky no, please, ricky- babe please i can't do it! i can't ride that ride!" you exclaimed the moment you realised that ricky was dragging you towards that direction.

ricky laughed at your pleas while continuing heading in the direction of the worse ride in the whole park, dragging you along with him.

"come on y/n. you can do it! it's just one ride!" ricky tried encouraging you. despite often giving in to ricky, you really couldn't this time. seeing your admant no, ricky let out a soft sigh and pouted, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to ride the roller coaster he loved with the person he loved.

seeing his disappointment, you felt extremely guilty. unable to see ricky sad, you reluctantly agreed on the condition that ricky gives you lots of cuddles and ice cream at night. ricky flashed you a smile that gave you butterflies and he excitedly slipped his hand into yours muttering a soft thank you.

oh how much you regretted giving in to ricky. as the ride operator began to buckle you in, the fear and panic started to set in.

"ricky, i can't do it... i really can't do it." you turned to him with panic filled eyes.

"hey, hey, calm down. if you want to get off let's do it now. cone on we'll rest downstairs and go on less scary rides alright?" ricky comforted me. just as he was about to ask the operator to unbuckle us and let us off the ride, i stopped him.

"it's just one ride right... it isn't that bad!" i said trying to calm myself down. ricky smiled, grabbing my arm and placing a peck on my palm.

"you got this beautiful! just grip onto me tightly if you're scared okay?" ricky encouraged just as the ride began

feeling your heart sink to your stomach, you breathed uneasily, tightening your grip on him. he comfortingly squeezed your hand back whispering more encouraging words.

"AHHHHH!" you yelled at the top of your lungs as the roller coaster plummeted down the insane drop.

"oh gosh, why did i let you convince me to get on that ride..." you said to ricky as you stumbled towards the empty bench.

ricky gave you an apologetic smile as he handed you the water he had just got. as you chugged the water down, ricky noticed a ferris wheel not far from you guys. after allowing you to catch your breath, he began to pull you towards the direction of the ferris wheel.

"oh my gosh, ricky not again... i will throw up if i get on another ride." you groaned as he continued to gently pull you.

luckily for you, the ferris wheel had no queue and you two were able to board the capsule. reaching the top of the ferris wheel, you looked out in amazement at the amazing view of the theme park.

"wow! babe look! the view is so pretty!" you said smiling while turning to ricky.

"not as pretty as you. oh and happy anniversary sweetheart." he said before cupping your cheeks and placing his lips gently on yours.

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