taerae - flower garden

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thanking the taxi driver and exiting the car, you began to head up down the steps to your location for today.

taking a big whiff of the air as the smell of flowers wafted around, you smiled as you noticed the big 'flower garden' sign board. picking up the pace, you reach the entrance in no time.

walking along rows upon rows of flowers, you smiled softly to yourself and enjoyed the sereneness and beauty of the place. stopping to admire the brightly coloured roses infront of you, you jumped at the sudden voice.

"aren't the roses so vibrant? it's rose season now and the flowers are always amazing during this time."

turning your head towards the voice, you saw a young man dressed in a blue uniform.

"sorry! i didn't mean to startle you... i'm taerae!" he brightly chirped, showing off his adorable dimples.

"i'm y/n, nice to meet you taerae!" you replied back flashing him a small smile. 

"are you alone?" he asked as he looked around at the vast flower garden. nodding your head, you mumbled out a small yes.

"well, would you mind if i showed you around? afterall, i'm a flower expert and i work here!" he said grinning hopefully.

shrugging, you followed him as he led you around the flower garden. as he explained to you the different types of flowers, you couldn't help but admire his side profile. the way his brown hair shone brightly under the afternoon sun, the way his dimples showed as he talked and the way his eyes lit up after explaining about the beautiful flowers.

glancing at you, you immediately looked away after realising you had been staring at him. chuckling to himself, he jokingly said "i know i'm good looking but try and stare at the flowers not me alright?"

embarrassed, you looked at the bright yellow flowers infront of you, avoiding eye contact with taerae. as he continued his tour around the flower garden, you constantly stole peeks at him.

"and these here are my favourite flowers of all time, sunflowers!" he excitedly exclaimed. smiling at his excitement you couldn't help but stop and admire the sunflowers.

"why are they your favorite?" you asked curiously.

"well sunflowers all turn and face the sun and the sun gives us life. sunflowers constantly adjusting themselves to face towards the sun gives me motivation to continue leading a happy life." he replied while softly smiling. "plus, they're super brightly coloured and makes me feel joy!"

amazed with his answer, you gazed at the rows of sunflowers facing towards the sun.

"hey, taerae? thank you so much for today. thank you for showing me around, i had a great time!" you said turning to him as you glanced at the sub setting behind him

" no worries! i really enjoyed your company!" he replied, smiling. "oh! i can't believe it's almost 5.30pm already!" he added.

you grinned looking down at your watch.

"well, i guess i better go! the garden is closing soon." you said, disappointment evident in your voice.

"before, you leave, could i maybe get your number?" he asked timidly, fumbling around with the phone in his hand.

smiling, you grabbed his phone, inputting your number with a heart beside.

waving goodbye to taerae as you entered the taxi while he cleaned up the garden, you closed the door and told the driver the location.

unknown number :
hey! this is taerae :) is this y/n?

grinning you typed out a reply 'who is this? i think you got the wrong number...'

taerae 🌼 :
oh... im so sorry, i thought it was someone else... i think she gave me the wrong number

feeling extremely bad, you immediately replied. 'no wait this is y/n. i thought it would be funny to play a prank. im so sorry it wasn't funny at all'

waiting for his reply, you immediately grabbed your phone when you heard a notification.

taerae 🌼:
it's okay y/n!! it was kinda funny!
let's grab a meal sometime and get to know each other :D

'deal!' you replied back smiling to yourself.

'he's cute', you thought to yourself, excited to meet him again.

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