matthew - one morning

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staring at the figure laying under the blankets, you smiled softly while running your hands through his brown locks. stirring slightly, he let out a soft grumble as he adjusted himself, still sleeping.

as much as you enjoyed staring at matthew sleep, you began to get impatient at his lack of response. you began to place butterfly kisses along his neck all the way to his jawline.

matthew's eyes flew open, before immediately closing again. however, he managed to sling an arm around your waist pulling you into his chest.

"goodmorning darling," he mumbled out sleepily.

"goodmorning sleeping beauty. guess a kiss really does wake the princess." you said playfully while cuddled in his bare chest.

"what are our plans today?" he asked you with his eyes still closed.

"well, i was thinking we could just chill you know. maybe watch a movie, cuddle and sleep." you replied while tracing your finger across the tattoo on his biceps.

"i'll go make pancakes. you go wash up first." he sleepily mumbled as he pulled himself out of bed.

watching his back muscles flex as he pulled on a white t-shirt, you wondered how you ended up so lucky with a man like matthew.

heading down to the kitchen after washing up, you saw matthew hunched over the stove, grumbling angrily at the batter infront of him.

giggling to yourself, you quietly walked over to him, wrapping you arms around his waist.

flinching slightly, he spun around and wrapped his arms around you.

"need some help?" you asked him as you glanced over his shoulder at the batter.

nodding his head in defeat, you grinned as you told him you'd take care of it and he should go wash up.

placing the done and ready pancakes on the dining table, you and matthew began to dig into the breakfast.

after cleaning up, you grabbed some chips before joining matthew on the couch. opening his arms to you, you ensured you were comfortably settled.

placing a blanket over you, he grabbed the remote and began searching for something to watch.

"what do you want to watch?" he asked you softly while placing a kiss to the top of your head. mumbling a soft unsure reply, he clicked into the horror category.

"matt! you know i can't watch horror!" you said while playfully hitting his chest.

"i know i know! i'm just playing with you! let's watch frozen!" he said while clicking onto frozen.

smiling, you grabbed the chips, and opened the bag. placing it on your lap, you nestled further into the warmth of his arms.

"ready? i'll start the movie now." he said as he wrapped his arms around you tighter and pressing play.

warmth enveloped your tiny apartment as you spent the rest of the day nestled in matthew's arms as he rest his head on top of yours.

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