zhanghao - birthday cake

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"hey y/n! i've just picked up hao's cake, i'll go pick up the kids and be there at around 6 alright?" jiwoong said as he placed the cake you had ordered for zhanghao's birthday into the passenger seat, ensuring it was secure.

"mhm, that's fine. thank you for collecting the cake!" you replied as you continued to prepare the birthday surprise for your boyfriend.

mumbling a goodbye to jiwoong, you continued to set up, trying to ensure that the whole place was perfect for him.


"y/n! we're here!" matthew called out as you heard the front door open and footsteps running into the house.

"hey guys! what do you guys think about this layout? i'm not sure if hao would like it..." you mumbled slightly worried that zhanghao might not like it.

"it's amazing! especially since you did it, hao hyung would definitely love it!" yujin replied as he looked around admiring what you've done with the place.

feeling proud that the members liked the decorations, you began to excitedly await your boyfriend's arrival.

the members began placing their extra gifts for zhanghao at the side of the table and began to do some finishing touches to the decorations.

"gyuvin said that their on their way from the company now. they'll be here in about 10 mins." ricky said looking up from his phone.

nodding your head, you and the members began getting ready for zhanghao's surprise.


the main door to the house creaked open and you could here gyuvin's loud laughter as he and gunwook tried to distract zhanghao from noticing anything about the party before it began.

"SURPRISE!" you guys all shouted as yujin flicked on the lights to the apartment to reveal to zhanghao the surprise party you had prepared for him.

zhanghao's eyes widened as he lit up in shock and happiness. as he continued to stand there and take in the decorations, you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"happy birthday baby! do you like the surprise?" you asked him as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him.

"i love it so much. thank you so much baby!" he replied as you took his hand and began leading him to the couch, the members following suite.

"movie time!" gyuvin called as he sat in the middle of yujin and hanbin, hugging onto yujin.

laughing at their ridiculousness, you grabbed the snacks as well as the blankets and passed them around, placing one on both you and the birthday boy before pressing play on the movie.

after the movie and games, it was finally time for the cake. walking to the kitchen to take out the cake from the fridge, you began to light the candles and carry it out.

"happy birthday day to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to zhanghao, happy birthday to you!" the sound of the melody filled the air as everyone sang along.

placing the cake down on the table, zhanghao made his wish before blowing out the candles.

getting ready to cut the first slice, someone bumped into zhanghao causing his hands to end up the cake, squashing it.

gasps filled the room as everyone stared at the ruined cake. noticing your disappointment, zhanghao turned to look at you with a smile.

"why are you frowning? come on smile for me!" he said before grinning and placing a handful of cake on your cheek and lips.

frozen in shock, you glared at him before digging you hands into the cake and throwing it back at him while laughing. before you knew it, you and zhanghao were engaged in a food fight while the members laughed and cheered you guys on.

finally stopping, you guys stared at the piles of cream and cake on the floor and on each other before bursting out laughing.

"i'm sorry about the cake..." hao said to you as he scooted closer to you, spreading cake all over the floor.

"it's alright, i'm not a huge cake person anyways and plus it isn't even my cake!" you replied giggling at him.

"well since it was my cake and i love cake, don't mind if i do." he said before pulling you towards him and placing his lips on yours and licking the cake of your lips.

"hey! there are children here!" gyuvin said while covering yujin's and gunwook's eyes, both of them rolling their eyes at his antics.

"well then, leave. so that i can get another one of my birthday gifts." zhanghao said while grinning at you.


zb1 finally debuted !! what's yalls favourite song on the album? mine is new kidz on the block !! also i wasn't planning on publishing this until hao's bday but i felt that since it's their debut we shld celebrate and i was lazy to write another members imagine for their debut 😔😔

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