jiwoong - drama

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"cut! let's take a 30 minutes break! great work everyone!" the director called out as you stepped into the shooting site of your boyfriends new drama.

with your hands filled with insane amounts of coffees and drinks for the staff, you spotted jiwoong who immediately walked over to you.

"hey darling, need a hand?" jiwoong asked as he reached his hands out to try and help you carry some of the drinks. smiling up at him you gratefully allow him to take some of the drinks of your hands.

after placing the drinks down on the staff table and greeting a few staff on the way, jiwoong led you towards his dressing room. while on the way to his dressing room, you walked past a group of young female makeup artists who stared at you for longer than you found comfortable.

as jiwoong made his way past them, one of them said in an extremely high pitched voice "hi jiwoong oppa!". jiwoong, being the professional and gentleman he is, he greeted them with a smile and told them about the coffee that was placed on the staff table.

"jiwoong oppa! you're so sweet!" said one of the female makeup artists. jiwoong flashed them a polite smile before he continued leading me towards his dressing room.

after resting with jiwoong for about 10 minutes, you excused yourself to the bathroom.

"did you see that girl beside jiwoong just now. who does she even think she is standing next to him and she even followed him to his dressing room!" you hushed whispers from the bathroom as you remained locked in a cubicle.

"she's not even pretty."
"her hair was so bad!"

unknowingly you felt tears well in your eyes. 'what if i really don't deserve jiwoong?' you thought to yourself.

after hearing the main door to the bathroom close and silence, you unlocked the cubicle. looking that yourself in the mirror with tear stained cheeks, you began messily trying to style your hair.

after a good 10 minutes of trying, you gave up and decided to go home as you didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"y/n! where have you been?" you heard a voice exclaim as you were trying to make your way out of the recording site.

"babe! come here- wait are you alright? what happened baby?" jiwoong's concerned voice called out as he cupped your cheek with worry. shaking your head, you tried faking a smile hoping that he wouldn't notice.

"what happened? y/n please tell me." the moment your eyes met, you felt yourself breaking down. telling jiwoong how you felt as though you didn't deserve him and how he was way out of your league, jiwoong could only listen in disbelief.

"hey! why are you even thinking like that! i'm the one who doesn't deserve you! you're so amazing, so sweet and so beautiful inside and out!" jiwoong exclaimed angrily, angry that you thought about yourself so lowly.

"but those girls said..." you mumbled under your breath, stopping before you said anything else.

"who said what? y/n, what did they say to you?" jiwoong pried. shaking your head, you flung yourself into his arms, placing your head on his chest.

"was it the girls standing along the corridor just now?" he asked again. tired, you nodded your head before continued to listen to his heartbeat.

"come on, let's go." he said as he pulled away and grabbed your hand gently, pulling you along. confused, you just followed him without saying anything. leading you to the staff room where the coffee you had bought was almost all gone, you spotted the group of young female makeup artists laughing while drinking the coffee. before you knew it, jiwoong walked over, dragging you with him.

"if you're going to talk bad about my girlfriend, at least don't drink the drinks that she bought. because it'll be wasted on you." he said before grabbing your hand back to the dressing room and hugging you extremely tightly.

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