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Jisungs pov

Me and jeongin sat in the car, my entire body was shaking. Painful with the lack of drugs in my system. I know it was bad for me , I know every trip was agonising. But I just needed it.
I tried to stop but I knew if I didn't get rid of them a worse fate waited for me.

I remembered how it felt, the second I ate one, the murky basement became full of colour and my body became hyper. Literally bouncing off the walls, I rammed my shoulders into the concrete in an attempt to escape it while my body shook.
One time I actually broke my shoulder.
And yet I still wanted to eat more even though they sent me into a complete state of panic. Somethings wrong with me
Any kind of pill I see now I will completely down as many as I can until I feel that way again.

I just want to be normal again

" hey " jeongin held my hand "calm down. I can see it, you're going into panic mode again..."

" you're right I just need to take a breather " I held his hand firmly back then rested my head on his shoulder

Jeongin is my best friend, he saved me. Well, we saved eachother really. We knew if we were going here we were going to do it as a team , we're a package deal now.

" yeah, just take a few deep breaths like we practiced." He ran his fingers through my hair with his spare hand "you got this dude, theres no need to panic. This place will be good for us"

" you wont run away like you did from all the psyc wards will you?" I asked, tracing my fingers over the tattoos on his arm

" no, I'll only run away if you want to run away" he replied "I wouldn't leave my brother behind"

I laughed " I wouldn't want to leave you behind either. Hey, I heard theres other kids already there...what if they take the piss out of me?"

" I'll beat them up" he shrugged "no one makes fun of my hyung"

Jeongins POV

I'm protective of jisung because I've seen exactly what hes been through. Hes been forced into addiction, physically abused and raped by his own mother. No one deserves that, especially not my best friend.

Sure, I'm going through my own stuff. But I dont talk about it just so he doesnt have to worry about me on top off controlling the need to take any kind of drug he can find. He doesn't know I still cut. But it's for the best.

" alright boys, we're here" one of the agents spoke " get your stuff out of the trunk before we go "

The two of us hopped out of the car and collected our bags from the trunk before walking up to the front door behind the two agents who knocked on the door harshly making us both jump slightly

Soon enough the door swung open , two adults , one with blonde curly hair and the other with longish purple hair.

They better not be transphobic, jisung doesnt need that on top of everything else he has going on.

" hello boy, you're jisung and you're jeongin. Right?" The blonde haired aussie spoke

" yep" I nodded, holding jisung close by his shoulder

" nice to meet you both" the other smiled "I'm minho, hes chan."

" n-n-nice to meet yo-you t-too" jisung replied in a small voice

" yeah, nice to meet you" I bowed my head slightly

" why dont you guys come in?" Offered chan going to touch jisungs shoulder before I pulled him further into my side "whoa , dont worry. We aren't gonna hurt him"

" sorry, you're right" I loosened my grip slightly

" it's okay, no need to apologise " minho smiled gently "come on in"

We both walked in cautiously, I could feel jisung shaking vigorously as we stepped into the house

" mom, dad? Is it jisung and jeongin?" Someone ran down the stairs

" yes, yes it is" chan replied "boys, this is seungmin. Seungmin this is jeongin " he pointed to me "this is jisung. Be nice"

" I'm always nice" he replied sarcastically " hi guys, do you want me to show them to their rooms? Or...?"

" no, I think its best if they meet the others first " minho replied "one sec I'll just call them, Boys! Come downstairs! Jeongin and jisung are here!"

Footsteps followed shortly after, and soon there was three other males around seungmin.

" that's changbin " chan pointed at the buff one who waved " that's hyunjin " chan pointed to the one with long hair and plump lips "and that's felix" the last had a wide sunshine smile and freckles all over his tanned face

" hi" he said in his shockingly deep voice

" I'm jeongin " I said " hes jisung"

" hi everyone " jisung put on a slightly deeper voice though he was still extremely quiet "jeongin" he whispered , I nodded "I-I feel like I'm gonna sick theres s-so many people.." he gagged slightly

" shit, wheres the bathroom?" I asked, he covered his mouth.

They all looked startled at his sudden need to be sick

" oh, uhm its just down here" changbin pointed down the hall

I ran him to the bathroom immediately and let him drop to his knees infront of the toilet and throw up immediately

I rubbed his back soothingly "dude, your binder is tighter than yesterday. That wont help if youre already feeling anxious and lightheaded"

" I know" he spoke once he finnished " but they're getting bigger. I hate it"

" I know " I replied " its okay. You'll be okay"

He threw up once more making me wince slightly

This was gonna be interesting

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