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Minhos pov

The boys were starting highschool today, well a new highschool atleast. There was a clear divide between who was stoked and who wanted to stay at home.

Hyunjin seungmin felix and jisung were all clearly shitting themselves with nerves or just didnt feel the need

Felix has been clinging onto me and chan from the minute he woke up this morning, but we aren't at all annoyed by it. we know its difficult especially for people like him, hes mainly worried about kids asking questions about his number.
Jisung like usual had been clinging to jeongin, just a little more than usual.

All of the boys were wearing an outfit that expressed themselves perfectly

Hyunjin wearing colourful , artistic clothes
Felix wearing soft colours
Seungmin wearing dark yet welcoming clothes that didn't push people from him
Changbin was wearing some softer, warm colours
Jeongin was extremely fashionable, not afraid to show off his tattoos
Jisung was wearing more 'boy coded' over sized clothing that suited him amazingly

" mum" hyunjin walked over "what if my psychosis gets triggered...?" He asked nervously

" dont worry ferret" I re assured "me and chan have made sure you're all in the same classes, so if anything happens. The guys know exactly what to do" Felix was still hanging on my arm as we talked "both of you will be okay, felix if your anxiety gets triggered you know you depend most on me chan and hyunjin, and since we aren't gonna be there hyunjin is the one you go to."

" okay.." his voice quivered nervously

" c'mon kids, you're gonna miss your bus!" Chan called from the living room

" you heard the man, go, have fun. Try to talk to people , be nice" I pecked the twos heads " and take care of the others "

" okay mom" hyunjin smiled slightly " lixie, you wanna come with me?" He held out his hand to the shorter who happily took it, all of them walked to the front door

" bye mom! Bye dad!" Seungmin and hyunjin yelled once they made it, slightly opening the door

" yeah, bye chan bye minho!" The others, apart from hyunjin and seungmin all added

Once the door shut, me and chan happily sighed

" I love them" chan said " but it's nice to be alone again " he pulled me closer by my waist " dont you think, , baby? Just us two , we can have all the fun we want"

" oh, I like the idea of that" I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist

" I knew you would " he smirked and walked forward until my back was against the wall " cmon , kiss me. I know you've been craving it"

He was right , I have been. But being around the kids 24/7 or having them come into our room because of nightmares means we dont have much time for intimacy , but that's okay. We have time for intimacy and the kids now.

I pushed my lips against his , trapping us in a soft and sweet make out. We had never been the kind for hard kinky sex or make outs , my hands naturally found his hair as our lips moved in perfect synchronisation against eachother.

He lapped his tounge over my lips so I allowed him the entrance he so clearly wanted, loving the feeling of our tounges swirling around one and others.

I felt movement and immediately knew he was taking us to our bedroom, but we didnt pull away once.

Soon I felt him lay me back against our bed and sit upon my waist before pulling away to remove my shirt " you're so beautiful " he hummed once I was fully shirtless making me blush deeply " I love you , baby"

" I love you too " I shut my eyes and leant my head back as he began to kiss my chest and neck so softly it felt like a feather was just caressing my skin. " so much" he held my hands as he began to leave hickeys against my pale skin

He ghosted his lips along my skin until he found his way to my neck, lightly biting and sucking on my sweet spot. After ten years he knows exactly what to do to get his favourite sounds out me.

" baby~" I moaned quietly, I've never been necessarily loud

His hands ran down my chest and body until he was holding my hips, gently massaging his thumbs into the dips.

Suddenly he caught my lips in a passionate kiss, I smiled happily at the feeling of being this close to him again.

He pulled away to stare at me, I tried to kiss him once more only for him to edge away and chuckle.

" be patient angel" he laughed, beginning to take off his shirt too

I blushed as he revealed his abs and pecs to me, I reached my hands to touch them " you're so hot" I said , somehow still shocked by how he looked shirtless

" you say that everytime" he replied

" that's because its true " I smiled

" cutie" he leant in closer and kissed my forehead, soon starting at my neck all over again

We had never been the type of couple to make out the second we were alone, maybe after our first make out we were a bit obsessed but we were kids. Maybe we've simultaneously agreed to relieve the stress we've had lately in the best way possible.

" channie~" I moaned as he made contact with one of my nipples ,he chuckled against the skin only causing more goosebumps to rise across my shoulders chests and arms.

" yes baby?" He teased

" keep doing just that~" I closed my eyes and knitted my hands into his hair " it's so good"

" okay honey " he replied

Suddenly he yelped, I looked down and laughed " what was that?"

" cat..." he burried his face into my chest in embarrassment

I leant my head to the side slightly to see soonie had jumped onto him, his claws causing him to bleed slightly " oh, shit" I shifted myself to I could pick up the cat "bad soonie"

" am I bleeding?" Chan asked

" just a little bit" I replied " do you want me to clean it up?"

" yes please " he sat up then held soonie " mate, I love you. But that fucking hurt"

I chuckled " we can continue afterwards, if you want"

" of course now, I have something to be excited about " he pecked my lips " now help, this actually really hurts "

" okay, okay come with me. We will put the cats in their room next time" I helped him up

" good idea"

I lead him to the bathroom, laughing whenever he had a dramatic reaction.

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