twenty one

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Chans pov

I laid in bed beside minnie, all the kids were asleep leaving us the only people in the house awake.

" min" I broke the silence, he hummed " yknow how my parents call once a week to check in"

" yeah" he responded tiredly

" they told me not to let the kids go in tommorow because of what happened " I said " then, they said they were coming over for lunch so I better listen to them"

" of course they did" he groaned "now I have to make lunch for us, the kids and your parents.  Who , might I add, dont even like me and will insist on some fancy roast dinner we can barely afford because now we have to pay for our food and six children's food"

" sorry love" I sighed

" dont be , it's not your fault " he pecked my lips lovingly " I just wish they would give us a bit of time to figure stuff out"

" I know baby" I took his hand and kissed the back off it " but they said they want to meet their 'grandkids' , god I hope they dont force them into calling them anything. Most of them dont even call us mom and dad , they might make them uncomfortable "

" we can tell them not to, I doubt that they will listen but we can try " he played with my fingers, his eyes fully focusing on my hands which were quite large compared to his small ones " I love you channie" he smiled gently , his eyes looking delicate and his nose looking kissable.

I left a quick peck on the tip of his nose, he giggled happily making my smile grow " I love you too, minnie" I rested my forehead on his

A sudden knock on the door broke us from this moment

" yes?" I called

The door slowly opened and in waddled jisung " h-hi" he stuttered nervously

" hey hun, what's wrong?" Minho asked him sweetly

" i-i.....I'm scared..." he admitted

" what of?" I replied

" going back to school" he gulped "I haven't gone to all my classes, obviously and....every class we went into yesterday we had to introduce ourselves to the whole class...and I-it triggered my anxiety majorly "

I saw minhos face fill with rage "I called the school, and they made you do it again?! I'm gonna fucking kill them" he spoke angrily, clearly spooking the already scared boy

" baby, calm down. You're scaring him" I whispered " cmere sung, tell us more we might be able to help"

He slowly walked over then sitting on the edge of the bed "c-can I get under the covers with you guys?" He asked, we nodded allowing him to crawl underneath them and lay down between us "someone spray painted the word tranny on my locker" he said, looking as if he could cry

" how did they know? Heck, I didn't even know until jeongin told us" minho ran his fingers through the teens hair

" one teacher, mr.son , he....hes transphobic and refused to use my chosen name because it told him basic details on the registration list......and he used my legal name....he deadnaned me infront of everyone and they....they laughed" he broke down into sobs " why cant I just be normal? Why cant I just be happy with the skin I'm born in like everyone else?! Why? Why! Why?!"

" quokka " minho hummed, he had been naming the kids after animals lately and it had been the definition of accurate so far "you are normal, being trans isnt a bad thing. It's just kids your age, they don't understand and that's why they're mean. They see someone struggling about something they dont understand and they freak out, they don't know what to do because in their head they know it all. But to the people who matter, the other kids and us. All we see is a beautiful boy , a beautiful ,beautiful boy who can do no wrong and always puts a smile on our face with his hyper humour and scares the shit out of us when anything happens to him but only because we all care about you so deeply "

" m-mom" jisung said with tears in his eyes " I'm sorry I scared you and with the pill accident. I'm stupid "

" aw , squirrel you're not stupid " I hugged him " you're fighting to get over a forced addiction,  it's not easy. Not at all, but you're trying and that's what matters "

He whimpered slightly, minho hugging his front while I hugged him from the back, soon hearing little snores coming from the boys partially opened lips. I smiled at the sight

" should we take him to his room or can he sleep here?" I asked in a whispered tone

" he can sleep here, I need to sleep to. I'm tired" minho replied

" same here" I chuckled lightly "night love"

" good night baby"

We both shut our eyes and held the previously weeping boy warm between our bodies

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