sixty two

378 22 6

Bangchans pov 

We were at the airport, well, on the aeroplane waiting for it to take off, there were rows of 3, me felix and seungmin on one, behind us were minho jisung and Jeongin and behind them was changbin kai and hyunjin.

I held seungmins hand as they looked out the window with a smile as they started at the wing

"Like planes, bug?" I smiled and ruffled their hair

"It's so cool...I've never been on a plane before...I wonder how it all works..." they said, looking back at me "isn't it cool dad?"

"Very' I smiled "if you're curious about how it works I can probably find you a book or you do some research if you'd like. You could be a pilot one day how about it?" 

"Nooo that's scary, what if I fly into a storm?' They snuggled up

"We can get you a private jet and we can take holidays for free all the time!" Felix giggled

"Calm it down you, you were campaigning for them to be a model one day and a pilot the next" I smiled

"They can be a model pilot!"

"I didn't consent"

"I consent" felix replied "please be a cool model pilot please please please please pleasepleasepleasepleaseeee"

"Calm down Pixie" I laughed and wrapped an arm around both of them "quiet down the bickering okay? Relax, this is gonna be a longggg flight, a couple flights actually so maybe , take a nap, play some games, eat some snacks...or we could watch some movies?"

"Movies!" They both replied, I smiled and looked through the available movies and gave them the headphones and they both cuddled up to me and I scrolled through

"How about...monsters inc?" I asked , felix nodded

"You're like sully and im boo" felix giggled

"Boo..." I smiled and ruffled his hair

"Put it on!" Seungmin whined "then after we can watch all the sequels" they giggled as we all shared the multiple person headphones.

"Alright, cmere bug...cmere boo"

Minhos pov

Me, Jeongin and jisung had set up our monopoly travel version, we were already mid game and jisung and Jeongin were silently raging about how small the board and money was.

I chuckled to myself as we played away, we were all extremely excited for the trip, Hyunjin and kai especially, I would love to say it was because this was their first holiday together as a couple...but Hyunjin asking if we could buy condoms before we boarded and sheepishly explaining to me that he had lost his virginity meant they were gonna be doing some stuff that wasn't exactly as cutesy as I imagined this trip to be.

I just needed chan to not find out about that, I think he'd ring kais neck...poor boy. Chan doesn't mind him, he's gotten used to him and actually likes him, but if he finds out he had sex with our son? He'd go ballistic.

I didn't mind, obviously, I was just glad he came to me to make sure he was doing it was a part of growing up after all, and I think he saw it as a much needed escape and who was I to take that from him?

Changbins pov

I got the worst seat.

The WORST seat.

I have to sit here and be a third wheel for how many hours!? God...I loved Hyunjin with all my heart and I may seem strong but not strong enough for this

Kill me now.

I put my headphones in to listen to some tiger jk as I tried to zone out everything going on around me. This was a real test of how much I loved my family, and how able I am to resist throwing myself out of the plane.

I grunted and turned my head away from the cringy couple, maybe it would be better if I slept through this whole flight...

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