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Hyunjins pov

It was the middle of the night and I was messaging kai about the whole home schooling situation, he didn't seem very happy...I know we could always meet up and go round eachothers houses but it wasn't gonna be the same as seeing him every day in school


So yeah
Mom says we're gonna be homeschooled from here on out

Im gonna miss seeing you in school prince

Don't worry
We'll figure something out

We can see eachother after school or on weekends
Maybe a sleepover?

I don't think I'd wake up again after going to sleep
I think your dad wants me dead
Scary muscular aussie man

Dad isn't scary
He wouldn't hurt a fly

Then I must be a wasp cus fucking hell the glares he gives me-


I giggled at the messages, how was kai always able to lift my mood no matter the situation? He was like some kind of god. Maybe it's his irresistible charm? I don't know but I do know I love him and it's gonna break my heart if he doesn't feel the same way.

He saved me from that damn straight jacket in school, I think that's where my feelings became more than a crush...I just hope he doesn't fall for someone prettier than me at school...

Kais pov

I hugged myself in bed sobbing my eyes out, I wanted to be around hyunjin more than anything and now his parents were just taking that away from me. Obviously I know home schooling is gonna be safer for him and his siblings but how am I meant to make sure he falls in love with me back if i can't see him everyday? It sounds weird and simpish but ,I really do love him and I wanna make him love me to so my heart doesn't break.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door, i wiped my tears "c-come in"

The door opened and there was my older sister lea

"Hey kai, I heard you crying...everything okay?" She asked with a gentle and caring look on her face

I shook my head

"What's wrong then?" She sat beside me and wrapped an arm around me

"Hyunjin..." I whispered and leant my head against her shoulder

"The boy you like? What did Hyunjin do? Or did he turn out straight?" She played with my hair

" know everything I told you about what happened with his family?" I asked, she nodded "minho, his mom decided that...they all need to be homeschooled because schools given them enough trauma"

"That's good though, now they don't need to suffer anymore and they can work on their mental health and disorders" she smiled softly

"I know will he fall in love with me if he can't see me everyday?" I half whispered

"Huening kai, it doesn't take seeing someone everyday to fall in love. If he hasn't fall in love with your extra and loud personality and goofy laugh already, he's doing something wrong" she comforted "im sure he feels the same way you feel about him, you just have to pluck up the confidence to ask him out on atleast a dinner date"

"Thanks sis" I smiled slightly "I guess I'm just gonna miss his pretty face..."

She chuckled "I know you will, but for now get some sleep okay? It's the middle of the night, you can call him tomorrow alright?"

I nodded and got under the covers, she tucked them around me and put my phone on my bed side table and kissed my forehead gently "no matter how old you are or how many realationship crises you go through, you're always gonna be my little brother and you can come to me if you need to. Okay?"

I nodded "okay, night sis"

"Night kai" she left and turned off the light then closed the door

I slowly fell asleep thinking about everything we had talked about, maybe she's right. Maybe there is a small chance he might like me and maybe i should act on it while I can..

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