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In hindsight, today was going to be amazing. But things tend not to follow your expectations. At this moment, the campers were running away from a stampede of fighting stegosaurs and were screaming in fear.

One might wonder why the campers were out again. Well, they were returning from a trip to the Hidden Adventures bunker. They were bringing back plastic bags full of food and snacks, but they hadn't rationed it well. When they first saw all the food, they guessed it could last at least two months–it lasted six weeks.

The air was full of clashing, screaming and furious growls, yet the tired clouds of the frequent storms were long gone, sleeping behind the sun.

The sun. It mocked the campers as they ran, laughing as it blinded them and averted their focus from running away., blinding them and shining hard to deter their focus.

SWOOSH! One stegosaur's thagomiser swung by Kiara's head. Kenji pulled her down, narrowly avoiding a fatal incident. Stunned, they stared at each other before another SWISH told them to get up and run.

Bags still in hands, the campers raced back to camp. By now, the stegosaurs had moved on. They remembered arguing over their territory before the aggravating seven children interrupted their fight.

When the campers arrived, they placed the bags of food on the floor in the corner.

Their attempt at making a suitable hideout until someone answered the EDB (Emergency Distress Beacon) was small but perfect.

As Darius said, they built a treehouse in the trees to avoid the frequent stampedes. There were three main areas, ignoring the cleverly crafted shower Kenji had married:

The meeting area had a chalkboard and some chalk Sammy picked out from the stream, ready for whatever needed to be written. A drawing of the camp family occupies the centre, drawn by Ben. As usual, Yasmina had some notes;

The sleeping area: the campers didn't have a mattress they could carry up, so with the abundance of leaves, moss and plants, they built two. Of course, there were two pillows found under the original camp's ruins, but blankets were non-existent;

The lounging area: nobody remembered how they managed to, but the campers heaved a green sofa to the centre of their treehouse. Yas placed a small, intact coffee table with little difficulty in front. The area soon became the most common place to find the camp fam, if not running from a dinosaur, and it was where they sat now.

"So, are we going to talk about how aggro the dinos are now?" Kenji crossed his arms.

"Exactly! They keep getting in the way. I can't keep count of the times we've almost been trampled to death," Yas said.

"Maybe it's because of the Tarisaur– Sorry, Tarbosaur. What with Rexy, Toro and that other big one with the horn on its head? They must all be scared. Poor things," Sammy said.

Kiara sat beside Darius, her eyes drooping. "I don't even care why they're all out; I want them to stop being so loud so I can finally sleep," she murmured, leaning against Darius' shoulder as she yawned. He glanced at her and felt his cheeks heating up.

The night before, the campers stayed up till God knew when searching for a way to get off the island as their trust in someone coming to rescue them was slowly weakening. As a result, they had been gifted with two hours of sleep and no more. They were missing sleep a lot.

"You must be really' tired, huh," Sammy stared at the exhausted girl.

"You can't imagine," Kiara replied, head slowly lolling on Darius' shoulder.

Kenji glanced at the two makeshift beds on the other side of the treehouse. He smirked, "Hey Kiara, you wanna sleep on Darius or an actual bed?"

Kiara barely opened an eye and didn't reply to the teasing, so Brooklynn softly shook her awake. Kiara woke with a jolt and looked at the others, who laughed.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now