Chapter Eight

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Monday, June 1st

Do you know how absolutely heart-breaking it is to watch two people in love spend their last days together? It's especially horrible when one of them isn't aware that they will lose the other in only a short amount of time.

Rose looked fine, but I knew she wasn't. She was in pain. The bruises on her skin were beginning to appear in various places, and my job was to help her hide them. She had been Struck by a Dalek or at least a that's what I was told, and the doctor was to never know.

I have no clue what a Dalek is, nor do I want to after Rose described the immense amount of pain she felt. I couldn't stand to watch her pretend, so I told the doctor to take me home.

For a while I sat in my bedroom, upset and a little flustered. Maybe it was for the best that I stop traveling in the TARDIS. Sure it's just about the coolest thing that I have ever done in my life, but I didn't want to end up like Rose. I didn't want to fall in love with everything only to have it ripped away from me regardless.

It's the first day of June and there's only 15 days of school left. As I got up to get ready this morning, my phone was buzzing out of control. My friends had added me to a group conversation where they discussed the latest sob-worthy moments in a T.V. show we all liked.

Zee was asking: Sam, are you staying after today?

I weakly smiled and replied: no ...I was not ready for today. My hair was thrown into a messy bun and I wore a grey hoodie with jeans. Gag me with a spoon. I looked horrible.

"Morning, Class." said Mrs. Silvestris, pulling up her rolling chair. We all effortlessly responded with ughs and grunts. That's basically how the entire day went.

There was only a week left for me to complete and hand in my Winston Churchill paper, but I hadn't even started it. I had to give back the book I rented because of the whole Vashta Nerada incident. Almost everyone in class had said they were finished or nearly done. I just kinda sat there like: yeah it's coming a long good.


When I got home, there was a note on my front door. I took it down and brought it inside. Assuming is was an oil bill, I threw it on the counter for my mom to look at later. My dogs came over and jumped on me, glad that I was back. I let them outside on their leashes so they could take care of

Every day when I get home, my mother wants me to call her, so I did. I mentioned the bill, but she told me that it had been payed last week, so there shouldn't be a new one. Alright I thought.

It took me a while to realise that the note was written on a piece of paper like the ones in my journal. Shit I left my journal in the TARDIS! I've left it in too many places too many times. But that's not the point, this letter was obviously from either Rose of the doctor.

My heart skipped a beat and I felt beyond nervous to open the letter. What if Rose had died? I unfolded the paper and held my breath.

I continued to hold my breath as well as everything else. My entire body froze reading the only two words written there:

"He knows"

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