Chapter Eleven

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Monday, June 22nd

So remember my friend Jo? The one I always used as an excuse to be out with the Doctor? Yeah well... Today she's having a pool party.

It was 9:45 am when I woke up. I began getting ready for Sarah to pick me up. She would be driving me to Jo's.

With in a few minutes I was dressed and in my kitchen, popping two pills into my mouth and downing them with a bottle of water. Packed in my bag was a change of clothes, my tooth brush, and my favourite blanket. My pillow was on the kitchen table, along with my ukulele.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled when Sarah's car pulled into the drive-way, then remembered that my mom was at work and my brother was dead asleep in his bedroom.

I walked out the door, not paying attention to the large dogs beside me. Hunter, the younger male, leaped out the doorway and made a beeline for the tan vehicle. I smacked my palm against my forehead and ran after him. After only a few seconds, he was no longer interested in the car, and bolted to other things he could sniff.

"Hi," I said quickly, slightly embarrassed. Sarah's grandmother was in the drivers seat and returned my greeting. Sarah did as well. "Just a sec." I told them, setting my stuff down in the back seat.

I darted after Hunter who in no way was helpful to this situation. The damn dog kept running away from me until finally I grabbed hold of his collar. We walked back down to my front door, of course he was making quite an effort to be uncooperative.

The door slammed shut and Hunter stared at me trough the window. I glared at him. Little shit.

Getting back to where the car was, Sarah's grandmother told me to get in on the other side, so I could have more leg room. I smiled, thanking her as I buckled in. "Please excuse my voice. I've got a cold so I hope it doesn't annoy you annoys me, so" Sarah informed me without taking a breath.

"It's not annoying." I told her, adjusting my seat belt. This car was comfy. Like, too comfy to even be a car. The seats were soft and a tad bit reclined. I like it... A lot. But, enough about my interest in old women's cars.

We pulled into Jo's cobblestone drive-way, her dog immediately meeting us there. Jo's little sister Lucy was standing on the porch, waving to us.

Sarah and I unpacked things from the trunk, I, slinging my bag over my shoulder before grabbing my uke and pillow. I pat the dog with my free hand, hoping he wouldn't jump on me and damage my fragile instrument. Sarah stayed behind me, not wanting the dog to notice her. Of course, he did...

"Hi, Lucy." I said when we got to the door. The dog going wild.

"Hey, Sam." We briefly high-fived.

Fizzy, the dog was forced to stay outside until Sarah and I had settled in. Jo was standing in the kitchen, excited to see the both of us. I was hugged in an uncomfortable position, due to my bag and other items. The three of us entered Jo's bedroom/basement/dungeon, and put our things on the floor.

Of course I had to play my ukulele. The temptation was unbearable. Sarah showed me how to play that song "Shut Up and Dance" which I caught on to with a little practice.

Jo went over our plans for the day,

•Go to gramma's house for lunch and a swim.

•Order pizza on the way home.

•Get home and eat it.

•Then watch Big Hero 6

Seemed simple enough, and I love Big Hero 6! This would be a fun day.

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