Chapter Twelve

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Wednesday, June 24th

At some point in every teenager's life, there comes a time where employment is necessary.

I was broke. Zero dollars were in my possession, and there was only one type of job offering that I could take. Baby sitting.

Now, you're probably thinking what's the harm in that? Just a couple of hours watching a kid. Well no. NO. There were two kids. Two DANGEROUSLY IRRITATING fraternal twins named Isaiah and Eliza ...for twelve hours.

I forced myself out of bed at 6:30 AM after the alarm on my phone went off. Ugh. I put on a pair of black leggings, and a purple tee, then packed my bag with things I would need. (ie; phone, phone charger, and something to read.)

At 7:15, Kevin (the father of the two pains) arrived at my house and beeped his car horn. Isaiah and Eliza both said "Hi." to me and randomly started talking about their new floorboards at home... What the fuck?

Kevin and I made small talk throughout the ride to his house. I felt a bit nauseous on the way. Not really sure why, but of course that made me jump to conclusions: It's your anxiety. It's because you forgot to take your pills yesterday. It's because you have the flu. It's because STOMACH ULCERRRR.

Okay, I'm making fun of myself now.

Upon arrival, Kevin gave me a tour of their house, and I fell in love with their dog Molly. She was a rather pudgy old beagle, growing white around the muzzle. Her tail went wagging when she saw me, and I ran over to give her a pat on the head.

Isaiah showed me his room, as did Eliza. His was minion-themed, and hers was themed from the movie Frozen. Ana and Elsa covered her window curtains. Hm. Nice.

"They're not allowed to go down here unless you're with them." Kevin informed me when we entered the downstairs living room. I decided right then and there I was not going to bring them down there at all.

I discovered only a few minutes later that my phone didn't have reception in their house. I tried to call my mom after Kevin left, but it wouldn't go through. Damn it. I can't call for help if one of these boomerangs try to kill me?

The nausea in my stomach was overpowering, and I decided to lay down on the couch. The kids just watched TV for a bit. Thank God! I was able to connect to the Internet and message my step-sister. She asked how the day was going and I complained to her about my stomach ache. At this point, the children were already getting bored and wanted me to entertain them. Well, Isaiah at least. Eliza was on her tablet playing Minecraft, and didn't seem to need anything.

Around 10:30-ish, the dreaded question was asked ... "Can we go outside?" My objective for the day was to prevent child death, but there were so many things outside that could fatally wound them. ROCKS. CARS. AND THEY COULD ALWAYS DROWN IN THE LAKE. Shit!!!

Ah, I took the little buttcheeks outside. I gave in. Of course, the two of them couldn't decide on something they could do together. One wanted to play in the sand box, and the other wanted to ride their scooters. As a solution, I sat on the big rock in their front yard, and tried to supervise the both of them at once. It was alright, until a swarm of mosquitoes decided to dine on my flesh. By the time we went back inside, I was one big walking pimple! Well ...something like that.

My phone was ringing when I got back in, and I leaped over to it, finally happy to have service. But... The phone still said it didn't have any, and the number that was calling was blocked. Oh, doctor. I answered the phone.

"Saaammmm." He whined on the other line.

"Whaaat?" I mimicked him, giggling.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on the job, doctor." I sighed the biggest sigh I've ever sighed.

"Not liking it too much then?"

"No." I said, then started telling him about the annoyingness of the two children.

"Well, then." I heard him crank some levers. "I think they need something to entertain them." I heard the TARDIS noises sounding in the front yard. Thank God for the doctor.

I opened the kitchen door and smirked at my friend standing at the front of his blue box. He gave me a charming look and came up onto the porch for a hug.

"Guys, I have someone I want you to meet." I said when we walked into the living room.

The doctor tripped over the little shoes in the doorway as he entered behind me, then waved politely. "Ello! I'm the doctor."

"Do you give me shots?" Eliza asked.

"Erm..." He looked at me with confusion. "No."

Something tempted me to pull the doctor aside and warn him of their extreme lack of intelligence, but decided against it. Instead I pulled him aside and asked: "You weren't planning on actually taking these two category five hurricanes into outer space, were you?"

"I was thinking we'd go to the future." He rubbed his nose and sniffled.

"They will wreck your TARDIS in five minutes."

The doctor didn't even respond, but I knew he was second guessing his traveling plans. His face fell when he realised that we would actually have to entertain two children without using a time machine.

Isaiah said he was hungry not long after, and I figured it was time I feed them. The doctor and I split the job of preparing them lunch. I made Isaiah's and he made Eliza's.

"I wanted bread." Isaiah complained when I set a plate of cut up hot dogs down in front of him.

I sighed. "You didn't tell me that before hand." What I wanted to say: Eat the fucking hot dogs or so help me, child!

The doctor chuckled at me, placing down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the table, then smirked in an I'm superior kind of way.

"I only want half." Eliza said, pulling the sandwich into two pieces.

HAH! IN YOUR FACE! He took half the sandwich away from Eliza and decided to eat it himself. Problem solved, I guess. As he chewed it I grinned at him, and then ordered Isaiah to eat his food anyway.

As for my lunch, I microwaved some chicken nuggets and had dipped them in ranch dressing. It was pretty good.

After what seemed like seven years, the twins' mom came home. FINALLY I COULD LEAVE. My dad arrived to pick me up not long after, and the doctor left in his TARDIS without anyone seeing him.

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