Chapter 7 - A Sorrowful Departure

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Everyone on the battle field heard the scream, they looked into the direction of the scream and froze in place...

A White Knight protected an Imperial Soldier?!

Everyone lowered their weapons, and watch what was about to be emotional.

' are a White Knight...and I'm and Imperial Soldier...why...why did you protect me?', Saki also froze in place.

'Because...I love you, Saki,' the blonde man revealed his bleeding face to Saki, 'It's me...Tsukasa...your big brother...', tears fell from Saki's pink eyes, she couldn't believe what she heard, '...Onii-chan...?'

'Oh my dear sister, you've grown so much. I thought I would never see you again, but here I am, able to have one more glance at you before I die,' Tsukasa said weakly, caressing his sister's cheek, 'No matter how much you hurt me, or hate me, or even if you don't want me by your side anymore when we were kids, you will always be my dear little sister.'

'I promise that we will meet again in another life, you are the best sister I could ever ask for. And...don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...', those were his last words before he took his last breath.

And there...

...Tsukasa died in his sister's arms...

There's nothing Saki can do...

...other than looking at her brother as a lifeless body...

Mizuki, Akito and Shiho were also powerless to help, they looked at their most respected senior, dead in front of their eyes, '...Tsukasa-senpai...he still had his whole life in front of him...and now...he's gone just like that...', Mizuki wept over Tsukasa's dead body.

(Toya's mind: ...So this is her long-lost brother Saki-san told me about?)

Toya approached slowly the dead body and sat next to Saki.

'Why would you care? He is a White Knight and you are an Imperial Soldier,' Rui suddenly showed up at the scene, everyone's attention went to Rui when he spoke up.

'Oi! Kamishiro-senpai!', Toya stood up and walked over to Rui, 'This guy is actually Saki-san's brother! They have been seperated for 10 years, they've never planned for this to happen but they didn't had a choice! In fact...', Toya then faced to the other White Knights and Imperial Soldiers, 'I would like to share something to everyone on this battlefield today!' Suprisingly, Rui didn't try to stop Toya.

'Three weeks ago, I was playing tag with my dragon when he ran into Kamishiro-senpai's laboratory. I respect his privacy so I tried to get my dragon out of there, but then I heard something being knocked over. When I went to pick up my dragon and the notepad that fell over, I accidentally read what was on it: It was something about taking over the opposite guild, which was the guild of the Knights of White!', Toya exposed Rui.

'Before I even joined this guild, there used to be peace between the White Knights and the Imperial Soldiers, but all of a sudden, peace was turned into rivalry for an unknown reason. This unknown reason kept going on for years, but now I think we know who our real enemy is...', Toya glared back at Rui, there were muttering between the White Knights and the Imperial Soldiers.

Rui let out a loud laugh, 'Oh, so you found out about my secret, Aoyagi-kun? Well, yes, you're right, I wanted to take over the Knights of White so that I can expand our power as the Imperial Soldiers. Yes, I admit: I AM the villain, there's nothing you can stop me! I know magic, I can easily overpower all of you, I'm the most powerful sorcerer in this whole village,' Rui then looked at Saki, 'YOU'RE PATHETIC!!!! AND YOUR BROTHER IS PATHETIC-'

'Enough, Kamishiro-senpai, or should I even call you that...?', Toya snapped, then proceed to stabbed his sword into Rui's stomach. Before Toya pulled out sword, he said to Rui as he inches closer to Rui's face, 'Your heart is more dirty than a pig farm...', Toya pulled out the sword and Rui fell to the ground, 'I hope you end up in hell, Rui Kamishiro...'

'My dear sister...' - Tenma siblings angst [Fantasy AU] (revamped version)Where stories live. Discover now