Chapter 4 - Evil Sorcerer

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A few minutes later, Tsukasa finally woke up, but...something doesn't feel right...

He felt his whole body being strictly restrained to something, unable to move a single inch. He also felt something around his head that is forcing to keep his eyes shut.

Tsukasa tried to free himself when he heard a voice, 'Oh, you're finally awake.'

'You...! Why are you getting in the way?!', Tsukasa was in frustration.

'Oh sorry dear, let me take that off for you,' the voice reached out for the blindfold and took it off. As the blindfold was being taken off, Tsukasa checked his surroundings and found himself tied to a chair with a tall figure standing in front of him. The tall figure has purple hair and cyan highlights, holding the blindfold they just took off from Tsukasa.

'My full name is Rui Kamishiro, you can call me Rui, I am a sorcerer of the Imperial Soldiers', said Rui, 'Judging by your clothes, you are a White Knight, am I correct?'

'Yes, I am a White Knight, Tsukasa Tenma,' answered Tsukasa. Rui lifted up Tsukasa by the chin, forcing Tsukasa to lock his eyes into Rui's, 'What is a White Knight like you doing in our guild?', there were hints of sadistic in Rui's tone.

' here to look for my sister,' answered Tsukasa.

'Sister? Older sister or younger sister?', asked Rui. '...Younger sister,' answered Tsukasa.

'You know...', Rui let go of Tsukasa's chin, 'I've been doing some big experiments recently, so I needed to find a guinea pig to be my test subject, and I think today I found one right in front of me...', Rui is hinting that he wants to use Tsukasa as his guinea pig.

'What?! Are you crazy or something?! Let me go right now! I have a little sister to search for!', Tsukasa screamed as he struggled against the bindings.

Rui then remembered he had something important to do, 'Well, do excuse me, but let's have you stay here quietly,' Rui walks to a table and grabbed a cloth and a small jar of liquid.

Rui then returned to Tsukasa, 'Now then, shall we let our knight stay quiet in this room, I wonder?'

'STOP!!!!!! LET ME GO-', Tsukasa's words were cut off as Rui held the damp cloth against Tsukasa's mouth and nose. Eventually, Tsukasa passed out again, seeing this, Rui left the room.

10 minutes later, Mizuki and Shiho finally found Tsukasa.

'TSUKASA-SENPAI!!!!!!', Mizuki ran to Tsukasa's unconscious body and tried to wake him up by throwing a cup of water at his face. Tsukasa instantly woke up, 'Ah!- ...Akiyama?!' 'Tsukasa-senpai! I'm so glad we found you!', Mizuki was experiencing mixed feelings of worry and relieved.

Mizuki and Shiho helped Tsukasa to untie the ropes, he felt relieved that he can move again. Tsukasa picked back up his sword and said with confidence, 'Let's go find my sister now!'

They were ready to go when Mizuki noticed someone is missing, 'Wait, where is Ototo-kun?' 'Oh yeah, Akito is not here with us!', Shiho started to panick. 'Well we can't leave any of our friends behind, so we should go find Akito first!', said Tsukasa, the three knights then went to search for their missing friend.

'My dear sister...' - Tenma siblings angst [Fantasy AU] (revamped version)Where stories live. Discover now