Chapter 6 - Knights of White vs Imperial Soldiers

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Back to Tsukasa, Mizuki and Shiho, who were still searching for Akito.

Tsukasa suddenly turned himself to Mizuki and Shiho, 'I think we should spilt up, you two continue ging this way and I'll go that way,' 'What?! No! Tsukasa-senpai, we're supposed to find Ototo-kun together!', Mizuki was trying to prevent Tsukasa from performing his stupid actions, but Tsukasa continued to be clueless, 'Don't worry, I'll be fine, it's not like I will get killed when you look away for 1 second,' and Tsukasa ran off by himself again.

(Mizuki's mind: Ugh...that idiot never learns from his mistakes...)

And to no one's surprise...

Tsukasa was caught by that same sorcerer again...

'Never expect to see you again so soon...Tsukasa-kun,' Rui was sneaking up behind Tsukasa, Rui's hand started to spit out some sort of red string. Tsukasa noticed the red string, but it was too late, as it was already tying up his wrists behind his back.

Rui walked in front of Tsukasa and held Tsukasa's chin with his free hand, 'I'm surprised that you've managed to free yourself from those ropes earlier, so maybe if I had used some of my magic in the process of binding you, you won't be able to escape easily.'

'Struggle all you want...these ropes are enchanted so it can't be cut though by any regular sharp objects...', Rui leaned forward to Tsukasa's ear and spoked in a psychopathic tone.

'LET ME GO NOW YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!!!!!!!', Tsukasa screamed, 'Be quiet now...unless you want something stuffed in there,' Rui's hand moved up to Tsukasa's mouth. Tsukasa suddenly turned slient, 'Good boy,' as Rui caressed Tsukasa's cheek and kissed his neck, making Tsukasa blushed out of embarassment.

Meanwhile Mizuki and Shiho were still chasing down Tsukasa, they passed by a room with a door half opened. They peeped inside and found Akito fighting with an Imperial Soldier, some cuts appeared on Akito's face and clothes, but the bleeding was not serious.

'As expected from a White Knight, you're still too frail and weak to fight us...', Toya points his sword at Akito's face. At that same time, Mizuki and Shiho looked down at the hallway and found Rui has caught Tsukasa again.

'Oh no, Ototo-kun and Tsukasa-senpai are both being attacked! We need to go back to the guild and call for backup!', Mizuki grabbed Shiho's wrist and exit the guild in the opposite side so that they won't get caught. The two knights got on a wooden carriage to get back to their guild within minutes, after they arrived back they opened the door while panicking, 'WE NEED BACKUP!!!!!'

'Mx. Akiyama! Lady Hinomori! Are you alright?! Where are the others?!', asked a member of the Medical Department.

'Akito...Tsukasa-san...', said Shiho while she was panting heavily.

'What is it?! What happened to Sir Shinonome and Sir Tenma?!', asked by that same person again.

'...AKITO AND TSUKASA-SAN ARE BEING ATTACKED IN THE OPPOSITE GUILD!!!!!!! WE NEED BACKUP!!!!!!!!', Shiho shouted loudly so everyone heard what she said.

Quickly, everyone from the Knight Department showed up at the entrance. Shiho guided them to the guild of the Imperial Soldiers. When Rui found out the Knights of White broke into the guild, Rui got distracted and unintentionally let go of Tsukasa without knowing. Tsukasa was relieved that he finally got realeased from those enchanted ropes, then went to search for his friends.

The White Knights tried to chase Rui down. Meanwhile, Rui found Toya in a room, as Toya got distracted by Rui, Akito managed to escape and Tsukasa was conveniently standing outside.

'Akito! There you are! Are you alright?', Tsukasa found Akito, then Mizuki and Shiho found them, 'Tsukasa-senpai! Ototo-kun! We're so glad you're safe!' they then went on and catch up with the White Knights.

'Aoyagi-kun, the Knights of White are invading our guild! We need to call for backup!', Rui told Toya, 'You call for backup while I go find Saki-san!', Toya went to search for Saki while Rui went the other way to call for backup. Eventually, Toya found Saki polishing her weapon in her room, 'Saki-san! The Knights of White have invaded our guild! We need to go now!', Toya called for Saki in a panicking tone, 'Toya-kun?! ...Alright, I'm coming now!', Saki hurried out of her room.

Eventually, the Knights of White and the Imperial Soldiers were standing on the battle field. Soon enough, the fight between the two guilds have began.

After 2 hours into the fight, while everyone were focusing on fighting, Tsukasa is rather more focus on looking for his sister. Through the crowd of White Knights and Imperial Soldiers, Tsukasa was searching for his long-lost sister who has been seperated for 10 years. Tsukasa haven't find any sign of his sister yet, but a longbow caught his attention instead, he looked at where the longbow was pointing...

...and it was...

...his sister!

Tsukasa ran over while shouting, 'SAKI!!!!! BEHIND YOU!!!!!', Saki turned around. The arrow was about to hit Saki, when she saw a blonde man ran over in front of her and the arrow hit him instead...

'My dear sister...' - Tenma siblings angst [Fantasy AU] (revamped version)Where stories live. Discover now