318 17 1

+82 3738923347

every day and night i can only think of us. it's hard not to when all i see is you when i close my eyes. i can only see your face. guess it don't always go like the stories we've been told huh? cause you're gone and you're fine, i'm lying here all fucked up. how is that the slightest bit fair to me? it isn't. we both know that much.

+82 3738923347

we were fine this past summer, so i wonder, did the emotions fade with the summer? when did you fall out of love with me? why did you fall out of love with me? was it me? was it you? was it us? you never did tell me the reason, just pushed me away over and over again.

+82 3738923347

i remember our first official date. you had taken me to the aquarium after i had spilled over the phone that i had never been there. that was back when my korean was bad and you were still in love with me. it was also where we had our first official kiss.

+82 3738923347

we were looking at the fish that swim by when you suddenly grabbed me and just looked at me. it surprised me so i asked you what was wrong. you didn't say anything and stared at me for a few more seconds before kissing me. it was like heaven and now that i'm looking back on it, i should have realized it was hell

+82 3738923347

is it bad that after everything you've put me through, i still want you? jisung tells me it is. he says no matter how much i love you, i can't go back because he won't let me get hurt by you again. even if you two are best friends. i'm glad he still cares. i'm glad he's my best friend because unlike you, he truly cares about me and i'm forever grateful to him.

+82 3738923347

at this point, i'm slowly working my way up. i'm still a mess but i have jisung. he's been here everyday for the past week trying to help me get better. i've eaten a lot more since he's been here and for the first time in weeks, i'm not so pale. i'm not happy but i'm not brooding.

+82 3738923347

i'm going to get better. i'm going to be my old self again and when i am, i'll make sure you regret everything you've ever put me through.

delivered at 3:57 am

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