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felix turned at the mention of his name, hair flopping in the wind as he did so. he shakily grinned at the sight of jisung and walked towards him, rubbing his arms as he did so.

"took you fucking forever. i'm out here freezing my ass off." felix mumbled as he and jisung began to walk back towards the campus. jisung only rolled his eyes.

"your fault. you know it's winter time and you didn't even dress warm enough."

"yeah because i knew it was gonna be this cold."

jisung grinned sarcastically in felix's direction before grabbing the boy's arm and pulling him close. felix let out a little giggle and huddled close to jisung. the walk back to campus was short lived as the dorm building came into sight. felix huffed in relief and started walking faster, dragging jisung along even as the boy protested and yelled for felix to slow down.

"no. i'm cold and i'm pretty sure one of them has a warm hoodie i can steal."

jisung groaned and let himself be pulled into the dorm building.

"which way do i go?"

"up the stairs on the right."

felix nodded and relentlessly began dragging jisung up the stairs, still shivering as he did so. when they were up the stairs jisung took felix by the arm instead and dragged him down the hallway to his boyfriend's dorm, knocking once they stood outside. there was a pause before the door was being pulled open, a blond minho standing there holding a gray tabby. he smiled and stepped out of the way.

"hi felix! long time no see,yeah?"

"uh. yeah. hello."

minho chuckled and jisung shoved felix a little bit before pulling off his jacket and flopping onto the couch. felix shuffled his feet awkwardly before he heard the sound of a door opening. an orange cat with a white nose exited before chan did. his hair was now a brunette looking color and wavy. felix just stared at him, a small grin on his face.

"lix, hi!"


chan seemed to notice the shaking of his body because he frowned and turned to walk back into his room. he came back after a few seconds holding a light blue hoodie in his hands.

"you look cold." chan mumbled softly as he thrust the comfy looking hoodie into felix's small hands. jisung and minho only watched, shooting each other looks across the room as they did. after pitifully watching felix look up to chan like he was some sort of almighty god, jisung groaned and reached up to grab the boy by the hand.

"are you going to sit? i'm sure your legs are aching." jisung muttered. felix gulped, nodded and then proceeded to pull the hoodie over the small jacket he had on. after he was done, he took the seat next to jisung. after a while the orange cat that had left chan's room came to him, only to sniff at his feet before meowing and walking away back towards the older boys room and disappearing inside.

"that was soonie, by the way." minho says from where he was sitting at the small table they had. "the one i'm holding is dori. there's another orange cat, you'll be able to tell them apart. that one is doongie."


jisung snickered as he looked at felix being awkward. chan grinned as well and took a seat next to felix.

"no need to be nervous, yeah? we're all friends here."

"yeah, yeah i guess."

chan smiled and lifted a playful hand, messing up the boys hair.

"if you're too nervous though, we can chill in my room? i have mario kart."

felix looked towards jisung, eyes asking if it was okay. jisung shrugged, felix nodded and chan grabbed him by the hand with smile and dragged the boy towards the room, kicking the cats that rested there out and into minho's room across the hall.

"so, tell me. how good are you at mario kart?"


"you're cheating." felix deadpanned as he lost another round of mario kart to chan. they had been playing for a couple hours now and every time felix was even a small sliver close to winning, chan came out of nowhere and beat him with only seconds to spare.

"it's not my fault you aren't any good, mate!" chan let out a little giggle as he watched felix pout, the boy's previous nervousness gone from existence. he watched as chan started to load up another game and quickly pressed his smaller hand over chan's.

"this might sound weird but.. can we just talk? and cuddle? i really like to cuddle."

chan stared at felix's hand for a minute, his eyes never drifting away. whatever daze he was in finally left and his eyes floated toward felix's own.

"yeah, sure. i don't mind." chan smiled and placed his controller on the floor infront of him, taking felix's out of his hand and doing the same. when he was finished he pushed himself back to the top of his bed. he looked up at felix as he got comfortable, raising an eyebrow as felix just stared at him.

"c'mere. or do you not wanna cuddle anymore?"

felix nodded and hurriedly met chan at the top of the bed. once he was next to him he laid down and placed one hand around chan, laying his head on the man's chest. chan wrapped his arm around felix and they laid there for a couple of seconds.

"this isn't weird or uncomfortable for you, is it?" felix asked quietly.

"no, it feels fine. i'm just happy you feel comfortable enough to do this." felix hummed, burrowing into chan's side all the more.

"you're a really nice person, channie." felix muttered into the air. the sounds of the tv and minho's cats meowing could be heard through chan's wall. it felt comforting.

"yeah?" chan asked. "what makes you think so?"

"you helped me. you took me out for lunch, you let me vent to you. you even bought me medicine to help me sleep at four am." felix smiled. "and even now, you're being nice to me when you don't have to."

chan hummed, absentmindedly running his hand down felix's side.

"i like helping people. it feels right, helping others. helping you feels nice."

felix grinned, angling his head up just that little bit to look at chan's face.

"i like you helping me. at first, i didn't want any help and now that i have it, it feels amazing."

the older boy looked down, catching felix's eye and giving him a small smile. his eyes left the felix's and traveled to the hand that was resting on his side. he reached down with his free hand and enveloped felix's.

"your hands are small but your voice is husky. i think those are your charming points."

"yeah, i guess. but what about you? you have a nice smile and a great personality to match."

"you think so?"

felix nodded as best as he could. he sat up just a bit before he brought his hand up to caress chan's cheek, smiling down at him.

"thank you again, channie. seriously." chan only stared at him, his eyes searching felix's own before he slipped his own hand down to the younger's wrist.

"your welcome, lix."

they stared at each other, eyes flickering from eyes to lips and grips tightening just that little bit. felix wanted whatever was happening to keep happening, for chan to lean up and connect their lips. for chan to do anything. and he did do something. he pulled felix closer by the hand on his waist, causing the boy to gasp softly. before he could do anything more, their was a sharp knocking on the door.

"dinner's ready. you guys hungry?"

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