298 17 0

+82 3738923347


+82 3738923347

are you busy?

+82 7936283324

i'm in the middle of a lecture rn

+82 7936283324

do you need something?

+82 3738923347

oh i'm sorry

+82 3738923347

i'll leave you alone

+82 7936283324

felix listen to me

+82 7936283324

i want to help you

+82 7936283324

i know we don't know each other and all but i'm willing to listen to you

+82 7936283324

i'm willing to help if you let me

+82 7936283324

so please let me help

+82 3738923347

i just feel so pathetic for relying on jisung as much as i do

+82 3738923347

but i guess its kinda a given when he's my only friend

+82 3738923347

i just feel really fucked since he hasn't been around to make me eat.

+82 3738923347

it's dumb, really. all this time i wanted jisung to just go away and let me drown in my own puddle of sorrow and now that he's stepped away, i'm falling apart even more than i already have. i hate it. i really hate feeling like this.

+82 3738923347

it's hard. i don't look or feel anything like myself. i look in the mirror and see a paler, more unkempt version of myself and it really fucking sucks.

+82 3738923347

i don't know what to do

+82 3738923347

what do i do?

+82 7936283324

well firstly, stop calling yourself pathetic. you're not pathetic for feeling the way you feel

+82 7936283324

secondly, talk to jisung about how you feel, it could go a long way. he could be stepping back because he wants to be respectful of your wishes, you'd never know? looking at yourself will be hard but you can get through it, i'm sure. you seem like a strong person even if you're going through a tough time right now.

+82 7936283324

as for the eating thing, i'll take you out to eat after my lecture.

+82 3738923347


+82 3738923347

absolutely not, esp with the way i look rn

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