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chan grimaced as the medicine he was going through fell to the floor, sending a chill through his body. he was meaning to be quiet as to not wake minho or any of the cats but his attempts seemed to be futile as he heard the boy's door open. there was a soft yawn and then minho was standing in the threshold of the bathroom, giving chan an unimpressed look.

"and why are you looking through our medicine cabinet so loudly at 4 in the morning, bang?"

"sorry min," chan muttered as he looked back at the medicine cabinet. "do you know where the zolpidem is? i need it but i can't find it."

minho thinks for a second before letting at a little ah and turns to walk back to his room. he comes back only a few minutes later holding a small container of the medicine. chan lets out a huff of relief and takes the container from him and sticks it in his coat pocket. minho finally seems to notice he's wearing it and gives him a wary glance over.

"where are you going at the time with sleeping pills?"

"to give it to felix." he deadpans. "he's having trouble sleeping."

"wait, you mean felix you met three-four days ago, felix? the one you went to lunch with?"

if minho's expression was wary then his tone was cautious as he gave chan another glance over. chan scoffed and closed the medicine cabinet slowly, glancing at minho through his periphery.

"i'm not going to kill him, for gods sake. i'm just going to give him this and then i'm coming back."

"yeah, sure. you do that." minho deadpans before turning and walking back to his own room, door shutting quietly behind him. chan let out a huff before clicking the light switch down and leaving the apartment shortly after.


felix groaned as he let his head fall back against the couch, bowl of ramen forgotten is his lap as he did so. chan was taking forever and he was starting to get reckless. at first he'd just been laying in bed and then he had gotten hungry and made ramen, to which he was now eating. he groaned again and ran a hand down his face. he got startled by the sudden soft knocking on his door and moved the ramen to the table before reaching for the door. after struggling to get the lock twisted in the dimly lit room, he finally pulled it open to see chan standing there, smiling softly.


"hey, do you wanna come in?"

chan shakes his head softly and pulls the small container of medicine out of his coat pocket, handing it to felix before running a hand through his tousled bleached blonde hair.

"only take one, it should kick in about thirty minutes later." chan says softly before reaching out to ruffle felix's hair softly. "have a good sleep."

"oh. uh thanks. you too."

chan smiles again before turning and walking down the hallway towards the stairs. felix watched him shortly before closing the door and turning to lean against it, head tilting down to look at the container chan had given him. that man is a real angel.

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