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you.. you liked it?" chan huffs out, eyes blown wide and hands gripping his legs.

"i-i'm sorry!" felix squeaks, sweater paws shaking. "i didn't mean for it to sound weird." he groans and buries his head in his hands. i'm such an idiot, he thinks.

"hey, hey." chan says, using one hand to cup the younger's cheek and lifting his head. "it didn't sound weird, lix. i'm just surprised." felix's hands slowly drop from his face and down to his lap.

"really? you.. you don't think i'm weird?"

"no. no! of course not. why would i?"

felix sighed, pushing chan's hand away and pulling his knees into his chest. "i'm still trying to get over my ex. you had thoughts about that, right channie?" the brunette nods.

"yeah—" chan rushes out after a beat of silence passes. "—but you're a good person, lix. i'd like to think you'd never use me or someone else for your own personal gain." felix grinned, hand coming up to cover the small smile on his lips.

"are you— are you smiling right now?" chan asked, astonishment written across his features.

"maybe. is that a bad thing?" felix asked, moving his hand to uncover his smile. chan gasped, hands flying up to cup felix's cheeks.

"you'e so cute i could kiss you."

felix paused, eyes staring into chan's before his smile widened.

"do it."




"when did you start to like me?" felix huffs as he lifts his head off chan's chest to look up at the boy, eyes sparkling in the barely lit room.

"i think it was when i brought you the medicine." chan hums. hand absentmindedly running through felix's hair. "i'm a nice guy but i wouldn't just take anyone medicine at four am. i thought you looked really cute too." the younger scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully.

"such a simp you are, channie."

"yah!" chan scoffs. "what about you then?" felix giggles, pulling his hands into chan's sweater.

"the same time as you." felix can feel the blush leap us his neck and onto his cheeks. chan only smiles, the hand not in felix's hair coming up to wrap around the younger's waist.

"i like you, channie. i really do. and i know it may seem like we're moving too fast so let's slow things down a little, yeah?"

"mm. i can work with that." chan nods, hand rubbing over felix's side as the boy stares up at him. "lixie, did you know you're so pretty it hurts?" felix's eyes widened, hand coming up to cover his mouth as he let out a series of loud giggles.

"that was so cringey!"

chan groaned, trailing the hand from felix's hair to his cheek. he tilted the giggling boy's head up and leaned in, placing a kiss on his lips. felix gasped, hand coming up to wrap around chan's wrist as he kissed him back. chan pulled back, a small smile as he looked down at felix.

"was that cringey?"

"do it again. i'm not sure."

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