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felix let out a screech as he threw his phone away from him. what in the world had just happened and why was he going out to lunch with a man he didn't know? he hurriedly jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of boxers lying on his desk chair. his shower was a long 30 minutes as he wanted to at least look a little presentable for chan. after drying off and doing his dental hygiene he fished out his fluffiest sweater, a nice pair of jeans, and his high top converses.

his fingers reached around for his concealer and he dabbed it under his eyes to hide the hideous eye bags he had resting there. his phone pinged and he rushed to pick it up, his eyes falling onto the notification that sat there


5 minutes away, be ready :)

his eyes widened and he quickly grabbed his brush off the nightstand, brushing his hair out quickly. when it looked perfect enough he grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet before rushing to the living room. he stood by the couch as he waited for the sound of knocking. it came after a few minutes and to say felix wasn't shaken was wrong. he stood by the couch for a few seconds before he was reaching to pull the door open to greet the man standing behind it.

his breath hitched and he felt the soft smile on his lips fall as he stared at the man in front of him. chan was better looking in front of felix than he was in his picture. sure, he wasn't looking at felix but after a few seconds his head lifted up and their eyes met.

"felix! hi!"


felix cursed himself for stuttering but the fact that he did seemed to make chan's already wide smile widen even more. to save himself from more embarrassment, felix turned and locked his door, stuffing his keys in his pocket when he was done. after a few seconds, chan threw his arm around felix's shoulder and started guiding him out of his complex. the walk from his building to whatever place chan had picked wasn't long, a ten minute walk at most.

they had entered the restaurant and felix instantly fell in love with it. it was small and quaint and felix felt happy about a nice change of scenery. chan seemed to notice how he seemed to like it because he bumped felix with his elbow.

"it's nice isn't it? i come here a lot."

"it's beautiful, i love it."

chan smiled before turning and guiding felix towards some seats in the back. they sat across from each other and chan rested his head on his fist as he looked at felix, studying him.

"do you have an idea of what you want to eat?"

"mm! I like kimchi and bulgogi. i think they're both good. i used to eat them a lot when i was in high school."

felix gave chan a shy smile as he cut himself off. chan was just staring at him, listening. his eyes were scrunched into crescents. he reached over with his free hand and ruffled felix's hair softly.

"how bout you get both bulgogi and kimchi. i'll pay for it."

"oh no. i don't wanna make you pay for all that!"

chan shook his head before he got up, pulling his wallet out his pocket.

"it's my treat. you just stay right here, hm?"

"but cha—"

"it's all good mate, seriously. just sit here and keep looking pretty while i get your food."

felix gulped harshly at chan. the words 'keep looking pretty' wouldn't stop running through his head. after a while felix looked up and gave chan a small nod. chan smiled and turned to walk towards the counter, pulling his card out of his wallet on the way. he stopped in front of it, making small talk with the person at the counter, pointing and looking at felix from time to time. he looked back at the counter and smiled before turning and walking back over to felix.

"food's coming soon. i get a discount 'cause my friend hyunjin works here."

"which one did you get?"

"i got both since you said you liked them."

felix nodded, still fiddling with his fingers as he gazed at chan. chan wasn't looking at him, but at his phone. his eyes scrunched into those crescents again as he laughed at something on his phone. he typed something before turning his phone to show felix a picture of minho. in the picture minho was holding his cat soonie, who felix had heard so much about when he first met minho. felix hand reached out to grab the phone but all of a sudden there was a presence looming over both him and chan.

"hyung if you don't get your phone out of his face or i'll throw it in the trash."

at the sound of the new voice felix pulled back eyes going wide as he stared up at the very pretty male standing in front of him. his eyes flicked over to chan.

"sorry jinnie!"

hyunjin snickered and set the two bowls of food and extra bowl he had in his hands down on the table. he put his now free hands on his hips and stared down at felix woth a soft smile.

"i'm hyunjin, prettiest boy you'll ever meet."

"u-um hi. i'm felix."

"well, felix, enjoy your food."

hyunjin's smile turned into a grin and he turned and walked back towards the counter, his ponytail moving slightly with his steps. felix looked back at the food in front of him and he picked up the chopsticks that came along. after getting them open he began to eat. the kimchi was good but the bulgogi was amazing. felix happily got another bite and help did it up, his hand coming up under it as he held it to chan.

"try it! it's so good," felix mumbled out as he pushed the chopsticks even more towards chan.

"but it's yours."

"just this once!"

chan sighed, opening his mouth as felix gave him a happy grin. once the food was in his mouth felix pulled back and just looked at him, waiting for his reaction.

"it's good. eat it all."

felix nodded, eyes shifting from chan to the food infront of him. he hurriedly ate all his food and smiled once he was finished. his belly felt full and he felt sated. he directed a wide smile to chan as he placed the chopsticks on a napkin.

"i'm done now!"

"okay, let's leave then?"

felix nodded and stood up, chan doing the same and swinging his arm over his shoulder once again. they exited the restaurant and made their way back to felix's building. the walk there was filled with smiles and jokes, chan effectively getting felix to let out a bubbly laugh or giggle. felix felt happy, more happy then he had in the past few weeks. he felt good around chan. he felt like himself.

when they reached felix's apartment door he turned to chan, head lowered and hands intertwined.

"thank you," felix mumbles softly as he gazes up at chan through his lashes. chan can't help but smile, tilting his head to the side.

"for what?"

"taking me out today. for helping me."

"you don't have to thank me. i'll do it as long as it makes you smile."

felix gives him a small smile before turning and unlocking his door.

"see you later, channie hyung."

"see you, lixie."

chan watches as felix enters his apartment before turning and walking off. his hands fall onto his sides and he makes his way back to the uni, happy to make felix laugh and smile like he did.

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