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chan sighed as he slid his phone back into his pocket. slow, felix said. oh, they were taking it slow alright. so slow that it's been three weeks and chan has never actually spent the night with him. he wasn't complaining though. holding felix until he fell asleep felt like heaven to chan.

he shook his head and focused on the lecture in front of him. he needed these notes desperately. as he tried to focus he could feel his thoughts slip back to felix. sweet, adorable felix. the felix he wanted to cuddle all the time. the felix whose eyes glittered and freckles shined.

wow... he really liked felix. he'd hadn't even seen the boy for the past few days because he'd been getting caught up on work. he sighed once again, causing his seatmate to glare at him. he smiled sheepishly and muttered out a sorry. maybe this week wasn't his week.


he was free. chan was finally free. his class was finally over and how he could go back to his dorm and take a much needed nap. he packed up his things and slung his bag over his shoulder and followed the rest of the students out into the hall.

his feet carried him to the exit of the lecture building, eyes downcast and headphones bobbing against his neck. his hands reached to pull them over his ears until he heard his name being called. his eyes snapped up and he searched the campus for the person who called him. his name came again and he turned, eyes meeting those of a smiling boy. felix.

his eyes widened when he saw him, not only because he was surprised to see him but also the fact that his hair was blue and no longer black. he huffed and began the walk to felix. he could see that the younger was holding something. a cup, maybe?. he felt a small smile etch across his lips as he stopped in front of felix. he looked ethereal.

"hi channie!" felix chirped, smile widening across his face.

"hi baby. what're you doing here?"

"i missed you, i wanted to see you." chan's smile widened, his eyes scanning felix's things.

"is that an espresso?" chan asked, pointing to the cup in his hands. felix nodded before handing the cup to chan.

"i thought you would need it." chan's eyes softened and he used his free hand to grasp felix's hip and pull him closer, tilting his head down to press a soft kiss to the younger's lips.

"thank you." felix nodded. he intertwined their fingers together and pulled him forward.

"wanna go to mines?" chan nodded, smiling down at felix as the boy dragged him towards his apartment.

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