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+82 3738923347

is it weird that i still remember the exact date you asked me to be your boyfriend?

+82 3738923347

it's like it's stuck in my mind on replay.

+82 3738923347

it was a few months after we had met. me, you, jisung, and his boyfriend minho played a few rounds of just dance together. it was my turn and i turned to you after i won. you just smiled at me and said i was cute.

+82 3738923347

jisung and minho laughed at you but not me. i just blushed and was mostly quiet for the rest of the time. +82 3738923347 after a while, minho and jisung left and i asked to stay since things weren't good at home.

+82 3738923347

you agreed and lent me clothes to sleep in that surprisingly fit me despite our height difference at the time. that should have been my first hint.

+82 3738923347

we laid in your bed in silence, and honestly, i thought you were asleep. well, until you rolled over and hovered over me.

+82 3738923347

"i like you" you said, staring down at me.

+82 3738923347

i was surprised because i never thought that you would like someone like me. my second hint was here and yet i still couldn't see it.

+82 3738923347

you asked me if i liked you too and of course i said yes.

+82 3738923347

you asked me out on the spot and i dazedly said yes.
we slept that night holding each other.

+82 3738923347

do you remember that night, binnie?

delivered 6:53 pm

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