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felix wants to cry. he wants to scream, yell, holler, break down. ever since that night with chan there's been radio silence between them and he doesn't know what to do. he's tried texting the older but chan's replies are scarce and most times felix is left on read. he knows it's possible that chan may be busy but still. the least he could do is text and let him know something. anything. he knows he doesn't have the right to be angry at chan but he can't help it. 

he's laying on his back when his phone starts to ring, loud and right next to his ear. he startles and sits up, reaching for it and holding it up to his face. channie💙 is flashing across the screen and he can feel his lips involuntarily etch into a smile. after a few seconds, he accepts the call and holds the phone to his ear.

"uh, hey." comes chan's greeting from the other side. he sounds nervous.

"hi, channie." felix says slowly. "do you need something?" his smile widens when he hears chan take a deep, shaky breath. there's a short silence before chan speaks up again.

"can.. can i come over?"

"hm? sure. i'll leave the door unlocked for you." felix nods, although chan can't see him. "let yourself in when you get here."

"yeah, okay. see ya."

"mm. bye channie."


"don't wuss out now, hyung." jisung huffs out from his place on the couch. he's getting annoyed with the way chan keeps pacing in front of him. "you already told him you're coming over."

chan groans, running a hand through his hair. jisung is right, he knows. yet he can't stop himself from feeling like a rebound, like felix is using him even though he knows the younger isn't. so he voices his concerns.

"what if i'm just a rebound? what if he's using me?"

he hears jisung scoff and looks up just in time to see the boy giving him the most threatening glare he thinks he's ever seen. he squeaks and holds his hands up, shaking his head quickly as he does so.

"sorry. sorry. i didn't mean to be rude."

"just go already, hyung." minho says softly. "text us an update, or something."

chan only nods, grabbing his phone and keys off the coffee table before shuffling towards the door, pulling it open and leaving. the usual ten minute walk to felix feels more like five from how fast chan is walking. he wants to see him, he won't deny it. but he's nervous, obviously.

when he reaches felix's apartment, he finds the door unlocked, just like felix said he would. he steps inside, closing the door softly behind him and peeling off his shoes.


"in my room!" felix calls out. "just chill on the couch."

chan hums, sinking onto the couch and resting there. he can hear noises coming from felix's room but he doesn't move. felix emerges from his room a few seconds later, swaddled in chan's hoddie and maybe, a pair of boxers underneath but he isn't too sure. chan thinks he looks adorable.

"hi, channie." felix smiles, sitting close enough to chan for his knee to brush the man's thigh. chan's eyes flick towards the motion but he doesn't say anything about it.


felix smiles and scoots closer, his sweater paws now on his leg as he does. there's a silence between them before chan clears his throat.

"i'm sorry for being distanced those few days. i had a few missing assignments to catch up on."

"oh, it's fine." felix nods. "i had a feeling that was the case anyway."

"so you're not mad at me, right?" chan asks, searching felix's eyes.

"no, of course not."

chan nods at that, playing with his fingers. he's nervous. he doesn't know why. it's just felix. adorable, kind, felix. the one he likes. he can feel the younger's eyes on him so he looks up, catching felix's gaze.

"so," felix starts. "about the kiss. are we going to talk about that?" chan grimaces and looks away. they should. he knows they should.

"yeah. we should." felix nods again and pulls back from chan to give him space. they stare at each other, deciding what to say to each other.

"i liked it." felix finally breathes out. chan's eyes widened in surprise. he wasn't expecting that.

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