Chapter 2 - First Day & First Nemesis

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First day of school. My heart was beating wildly as I walked down the hallway of the main building. This campus seemed like a college campus from the outside, but from the inside, it was most definitely a high school. There were two main buildings that had classes in them, one for the upper classmen and one for the lower classman. The other buildings on campus were for the auditorium, student center, the gym, and one building for the art and music classes since anyone could take those. But the general science, math, English and language classes were in the other buildings.

My first class was my calculus class, the next course equivalent from what I would take at my high school. Thankfully, I spent a couple hours yesterday finding my classes so I wouldn't be so turned around and lost on my first day. I didn't want to give off a bad first impression to the teachers by being late to my classes.

"Okay, it's just down this hallway," I said to myself as Korean kids and kids of other ethnicities passed me, including Asian mixes. A guy who passed me could be half-African, half-Korean. He had the facial features of both and had darker skin. I stared after him for a second, honestly thinking he was something to behold.

All these exotic people... and here I was, a little American girl with long blonde hair and huge blue eyes.

I found my class and went on in, and I took a seat in the middle. This looked like any classroom. Even the teacher was American, a man who looked around thirty-five and had brown hair. He was from Oregon, apparently, and spent two years in Korea as a young man for a church mission. Pretty cool. So, he could speak Korean pretty well. Jealous. I had the first Korean language course as my fifth period.

The class was basically going over the syllabus, and at the end, he said, "I won't be one of those teachers who assigns homework on the first day but be prepared for tomorrow."

He got some snickers, and the bell rang. On to my literature class with Professor Lee. It was basically the equivalent to the senior-level English course. I walked into the room and immediately spotted Q. I quickly went and sat next to him at a table that could seat two, and the moment I did, I saw Dae and Min Ho walk in.

"Hey, Addison!" Q greeted me.

"Hey, Q. I saw you, and I just had to sit by you. Do you mind?"

He made an apologetic face. "Actually, I was saving this seat for my boyfriend."

"Oh, okay. I will sit at the next table."


"Hey, no problem. If my boyfriend was in my class, I would want to sit next to him, too."

A Caucasian guy came in and saw Q and grinned. He came and sat with Q. I watched as they took each other's hand and started talking quietly with each other. How cute! They were too lost with each other for me to interrupt, so I looked over and saw that Dae was standing near the table I was at.

"Good morning, Dae," I greeted him, and he looked over at me and gave me a very cute smile.

"Good morning, Addison. Can I sit with you?"

"Go for it. But don't you want to sit with Min Ho?" We both looked at him and saw that he was sitting with a rather pretty Korean girl. We both snickered. "Never mind."

Dae sat down next to me and asked in his cute accent, "So, how has your first day been so far?"

"Pretty good. I lived through first period calculus."

"So did I. I had calculus, too, but the advanced placement class."

My brows rose. "You're in AP calculus? Wow. Alex wasn't kidding when he said you were pretty smart. I mean... Professor Finnerty."

Sincerely, Addison [XO, Kitty]Where stories live. Discover now