Chapter 9 - My Life is a K-Drama

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Dear Hannah,

Well, my life is over. Everyone is making fun of me because of that poem that got leaked to the whole school, and Alex knows everything. Yes, everything. And I'll tell you how he found out...

I spilled everything to my sister and ended up writing her an essay on my phone as I sat at a library table for third period. I wondered how Alex was fairing in his class. I would most likely hear from Becca how he was doing.

It's a pretty amazing feeling that I know he has feelings for me, but at the same time, it feels like my heart is being ripped out of me. I can never be with him. Well, I have Dae. Kissing him was amazing, not going to lie. Who knew that Korean men were great kissers? I will just date him so I can try and forget all this. He's aware that this is the case. You know? He's going after me even though I like Alex and his friend Min Ho likes me. There's some bad boy in Dae that I haven't seen before. Or maybe he's just selfish. Well, I am, too. We'll just see how this all turns out. Will update you.

Sincerely, Addison

I sent that off and sat at my corner desk behind a bookshelf, so I was hidden from anyone who was in the library. I wished I could just hide here for the rest of the school year. Or... maybe I should just live on that little island in the middle of the Han River. Away from all of this.

The bell rang for third period to end, so now, it was lunch time. I wasn't hungry. Becca knew where to find me, so she would most likely show up pretty soon. I had texted her.

After five minutes, Becca appeared, and she sat with me at the table. "Hey. You okay?"

"What do you think? Alex found out everything not in a private setting, but in front of the school principal who happens to be his biological mom. And it all was forced out of me. I couldn't hide anything in a serious situation like that. Honestly, the whole time, I wanted to barf, and I think Alex wanted to cry. You should've seen him in there. He knew he was in trouble."

"Yeah..." Becca said sadly. "He wasn't doing so hot in class, either. He came in after we all were seated, and he looked completely worn out, emotionally. Someone asked if he was okay, and he just said he was having some personal problems. I knew it had to do with you. I knew it before you texted me about it."

"How was he for the remainder of the class?"

"It seemed like he really tried to steel himself against all his emotions, and I think he did a great job of it. The class seemed pretty normal, but I think we all could sense that he wasn't doing so well. The guy really loves you, Addison."

I nodded as a tear leaked. "I know that now, even if he didn't directly say it like I did. His expression was so... I don't know... When I said that I fell for him at first sight and confessed everything, he asked me if all that was true. The look on his face, the hope, the surprise... Honestly, if Principal Lim wasn't right there, I would've kissed him. I know that's horrible to say when, just a couple hours earlier, I kissed Dae."

"Ooo, yes, tell me about that. People talked about it during class, and Alex had to stop it all. Really, I think he was jealous. Why wouldn't he be? He can't be with you, but Dae can."

I groaned and folded my arms on the table and dropped my head onto them. "I don't know what to do..."

"Just take in the fact that the man you love loves you back."

I did just that, and I grinned into my arms. I put my head back up. "Yeah, you're right. Alex has feelings for me. I should be happy about that."

"Exactly. Now, how about we go get some lunch, huh?"

Sincerely, Addison [XO, Kitty]Where stories live. Discover now