3.Family Issues

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Natalia's POV

The limousine pulled into my parents driveway. Their house was a twelve feet tall mansion.

"Let's get down." Sky said, coming out of the vehicle.

I sighed and got down. Like Sky had promised, we got whipped cream on our way here and I already ate all of it.

I so wasn't in the mood of visiting my parents now but I knew I had to.

I sashayed into the house with two Guards standing by the huge double doors. They bowed to me in respect and opened the doors.

I walked into the ball-like room and saw my parents sitting in the dinning room across.

I walked towards them and bowed slightly before taking a seat opposite my Step-mom.

My Dad sat at the head of the table. He smiled at me as I sat down. Sky greeted them lightly before taking her seat beside me.

"I thought you'd never show up." My Step-mom said, wiping her lips with a napkin.

"And sadly I did." I said and Sky pinched my thigh lightly. I blinked at her innocently and picked my fork to eat.

"How was your Photoshoot today?" My Dad asked clearing his throat.

"Nothing unusual." I mumbled picking at the food on my plate. I really didn't have appetite to eat now. I never did around my parents.

"Mr Gantzler and his son would be coming to join us for dinner soon." My stepmom suddenly said making me snap my head towards her.

"What? Why wasn't I informed?" I asked anger brewing in me.

"Because we knew you wouldn't come if we told you." My Dad answered and I dropped my fork on the table angrily.

"Talia." Sky whispered, urging me to calm down but I was far from it.

"First you got me betrothed without my permission or information then you keep on setting up these stupid dinners with him!" I yelled standing up. My chair fell back from the impact but I didn't care.

Sky stood up and gave my parents an apologetic look before glaring at me.

"Sit down." She gritted.

"Please Sky, stay out of this. This is a family issue and you're not allowed to interfere." I said angrily.

I turned to my stepmom.

"Wasn't this your plan all along MISS GARRETT?! You could have put your whore of a daughter on the line for engagement, why does it have to be me?!"


I blinked back the tears threatening to fall off my eyes as I held my cheek, trying to ease the tingling sensation.

My Dad had just slapped me. Why though? Because of what I said to his mistress?

"I'm done here." I said and stomped out, Sky running after me.

On my way out, the devil's incarnate, Ezra Gantzler, his father and my whore of a stepsister, Mila came in. I didn't bother to stop, I just walked past them.

I got into the vehicle and broke into tears. I'd never show my weakness to anyone except Sky. She held me and comforted me as I cried my eyes out.

Why couldn't I just have a normal life? Why does my life have to be so complicated?

I looked at the wall clock in my room. The time was 5pm.

Well time for some shopping. I thought as I got out of my king sized bed. I took off the tank top and shorts I was wearing and climbed in my jacuzzi after filling it with warm water.

Way to relax your muscles before going out. I thought.

After my quick bath session, I towel dried my long black hair and body. I applied some body lotion and more of my skincare products before putting on a blue t-shirt and black jeans.

I brushed my hair after applying some cream and put it in a ponytail.

I put on some perfume and didn't bother wearing makeup, I was going shopping not some photoshoot or interview.

I put on a black face cap and a black face mask. Finally I wore my black hoodie and pulled up the hood.

No one and I mean no one, was going to recognize me today. Last time someone caught me in public, it was a total disaster.

Literally the entire neighborhood was running after me. Thank God for Sky, she is my lifesaver.

I hopped out of my room so in the mood for shopping today. It was one of the things that helped me calm my nerves and forget about my shitty family, aside from sleeping. Oh I love sleeping.

"Going shopping?" Sky asked from the kitchen. If she wasn't bugging me or yelling at me to complete my schedule, she was either cooking or eating.

Oh I love this girl, sometimes though. She knows me all too well.

"Yeah." I replied, skipping out of the house.

"Don't get yourself in trouble okay?! I don't want to see a social media post with the headline 'Natalia seen in a supermarket today' do you understand?!" She yelled after me and I just waved at her.

"Yeah yeah." I muttered walking towards the garage.

"Worry not Julio. I'll drive myself today." I told Julio my personal driver who was standing by the Passenger's door of my SUV.

"Alright madam." He said and walked away. Though he was two or three years older than me, he addressed me like some old lady when for a fact am only 21.

I sighed and walked towards the driver's side. I couldn't really blame him. A lot of people treated me like some goddess, which can get really uncomfortable from time to time.

I drove out of my huge compound which was like a forest reserve. I really love nature.

I pulled into the parking space by the the supermarket and got down making sure to properly cover myself.

I noticed a lot of people were here today. Okay this isn't good.

I was about walking in when someone pulled down my hood.

"The fuck?-"

I turned to face the most beautiful sight ever.

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