18.No touching

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Callum's Pov

I arrived at Natalia's company a bit late and was worried she'd be waiting for me. I greeted a few staff I had become familiar with as I came here almost everyday.

I entered the dressing room where my mate was and her wide smile lit my mood tenfold.

"Hello mate." she chimed and I smiled surprised.

It was good to see she was finally getting used to been my mate and everything else. This made me very happy.

"Sorry I made you wait long, Pretty. Would you come home with me now?" I smiled at her as I stretched out my hands for her.

She clasped her soft hands with mine and I pulled her up. The lilac dress she was wearing swirled lightly at the brief movement.

"Let's go home, baby." I said and led the way.


"For God's sake Callum roll over!" My mate yelled at me for the hundredth time tonight.

"Uhm you know it's more suitable when you say for goddess' sake after all you're in a werewolf community." I replied lazily not moving an inch from my position.

It was 11pm and I wanted to cuddle with my mate. It was enough that we couldn't have s*x until we got married.

Yeah, my mate wanted us to have a normal marriage like humans do.

In werewolf community, marriage between mates wasn't common but it wasn't unheard of.

We believed that once you found your mate, you could just go ahead and start living with them after all you are already paired for life but I wasn't complaining because my mate was a human.

I had to respect her decisions too.

She said it was okay to sleep together but no touching. I felt that absurd as I absolutely needed to touch my mate.

She was making things difficult for me. How does she expect me not to touch her when we were sleeping on the same bed?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a pillow came flying across my face.

How did she?....

"Ahh." I yelled and quickly let go of her when she bit my hand really hard.

Was she secretly a werewolf or something? I swear my bite wasn't as painful as hers and I'm the one with fangs. This makes no sense.

"That's what happens when you get too touchy with me!" She said and leaned over me to pick up the pillow she threw before.

I smirked and grabbed both her hands before pinning her on the bed.

She started writhing and yelling for me to let go.

"And this is what happens when you bite an Alpha." I said and drew my face to her neck.

I felt her stiffen and smirked because I knew the effect I had on her.

I slowly licked her neckline down to her shoulder blade and I felt her shudder.

"Do you like that?" I whispered in her ear.

She remained quiet but I wanted her words.

I bit her earlobe and she hissed. I licked on the sore spot and I heard her moan.

The bulge in my pants tightened at her lustful voice and kept on kissing her neck.

My eyes turned pitch black, my wolf had taken over. This wouldn't end well if I didn't stop now.

"Cal... your eyes...they..."

"Shh... I want to kiss you baby." I said huskily.

I didn't wait for her approval before I smashed my lips with hers. They were the sweetest and the softest.

I let go of her hands and held the back of her head instead so I could gain more entrance. She leaned into me trying to take over the kiss but gave up as she couldn't keep with my pace.

She held my face to deepen the kiss and she caressed my face with her smooth fingers.

She was the sweetest and I never wanted this moment to end. After a while I felt her tapping my chest and I broke the kiss.

She breathed heavily and I smirked. She looked really sexy right now.

"What the fuck Callum. I told you, no touching." She said and I chuckled.

"Really? You seemed to be the one doing all the touching." I said smirking and her cheeks grew red in embarrassment.

She quickly scooted to the other side of the bed and hid under the duvets making me chuckle.

I moved closer to her and joined her under the duvet.

"Goodnight my love." I whispered.



"Omelettes are healthy too you know!" I heard Angeline's shrill voice and I walked towards the kitchen.

It was so early in the morning but yet the kitchen was as busy as a marketplace.

"Of course they are!" I heard my mate say and they all burst out laughing.

"Good morning Alpha." Caleb greeted and only then did the others notice my arrival.

"Hey son." Mom said and I gave her a peck on the cheek before she left.

"Morning Brother!" Angeline yelled unnecessarily and I rolled my eyes.

I saw my mate looking at me blushing probably still from last night's event and I smirked at her.

"What happened between both of you?" Angeline asked noticing our exchange.

"Nothing that concerns you." I replied and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Hmm." Angeline muttered and just then Asher came into the kitchen.

"Good morning everyone." He chimed casually and we all responded to him. Angeline just scoffed and left the kitchen.

Were these two gonna continue behaving like this forever?

I shook my head as I chugged down the water and tossed the empty bottle in the trashcan.

Caleb was frying pancakes and Natalia was eating omelettes. Asher was making a cup of coffee for himself.

Caleb placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and I thanked him.

"Alpha, I'm going to reject Angeline." Asher suddenly said making me snap my head towards him.

Woohoo guys!!! 400+reads😲

Thank you guys so much☺️

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