17.Her new life

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Natalia's Pov

Everything that has been happening in my life for the past one month is crazy, but what's more crazy is the fact that I'm still sane.

Who would have imagined. The famous Natalia Quinn is actually the mate and Luna of some werewolf Alpha male.

As much as I was starting to fall in love with Callum, which his sister told me was because of the mate bond, I was still afraid.

Afraid that this whole thing would ruin my entire career before my very own eyes.

My career that I worked hard to pursue and what kept me happy all these years.

I remember vividly ten years ago before my mother died. She told me to chase my dreams and not let anyone stop me. Not even my father.

I was so young back then to understand what was happening not until my 11th birthday when my Dad didn't show up for the party.

Ten years ago....

"Where's my daddy Nana?" 11 year old Natalia asked looking around the large hall for the one person who mattered at that time.

"He'll be here soon baby. Let's just go ahead with the party. Here blow out the candles. So we can eat your cake." The Nanny told the girl but she was adamant.

"No nanny? Daddy will be here soon, I know it. He never misses my birthday. He'll be here soon." The girl cried.

After few minutes of waiting she realized her daddy wasn't coming so she left and ran to her room.

Nobody could stop her as she was too fast. She locked the door and cried out her eyes.

The next day the little girl woke up with red, puffy eyes. She finally got out of her room right into her Nanny's embrace.

"Nanny, where's my daddy?" She asked sniffing.

"Oh baby, it's alright. Don't cry please. Come on let's get you cleaned up. I'll take you to your daddy." The Nanny said and the girl nodded happily.

If only the Nanny knew what was to come, she wouldn't have made that promise to the girl.

The Nanny took the child to see her father in his office.

The little girl ran happily into the office but her smile fell when she saw her dad wrapped up in another woman's arms.

They looked so happy. Wasn't her Dad only supposed to be this happy with her Mom?

"Tally?" The father said surprised. He quickly disengaged from the half naked woman who was glaring at Natalia.

"Daddy who's that woman?" The little girl asked tears forming at her eyes.

"She's your new mommy baby. She'll love and take good care of you." The father said walking towards her.

"No Daddy, I don't want a new mommy. Is she the reason you didn't attend my party? Why Daddy? Do you love her more than me?" The girl asked, tears now spilling down her cheeks.

"Of course not baby. I love you so much. I'm sorry for not attending your party. I was so busy. I promise to make it up to you." The father said kneeling before the daughter while wiping her tears away.

The girl shook her head and pushed the father away.

"No! You don't love me anymore! You never forget my birthday, but you didn't even show up yesterday. Nana bought me the cake and set up my party. She was the only one who remembered!" The girl yelled and ran out of the room.

On her way out she bumped into a girl, a year younger than her.

"Watch where you're going freak." She girl said and walked into the office...

End of flashback....

I sighed at the memory and sipped her coffee which was now warm.

I glanced at the wall clock which showed the time was 7:34pm. Callum will be coming to pick me up soon.

For the past two weeks, my life has been like that. Celebrity by day and a Luna at night.

I hated lying to Sky about my whereabouts at night.

I lied to her that I was living with my grandmother for a while. I was planning to tell Sky the truth soon but I just needed time.

I trusted Sky and knew she wouldn't freak out and expose the werewolves.

I had been living with werewolves for two weeks now and I already loved them. I had learnt about their culture and beliefs.

Christy was also teaching me basic things I needed to know as a Luna. While Angeline was teaching me about mates.

She told me that Callum was supposed to mark me as in digging his fangs into my neck just to show to other males that I've been claimed.

In as much as that sounded intriguing, I didn't think I was ready for that. I was also grateful that Callum hadn't brought up the matter yet.

She also told me that after marking me, Callum and I were supposed to complete the mating process otherwise I'll be in heat.

She explained that meant we had to have s*x.
I blushed profusely when she said that and was thankful no one was around.

Angeline could be so blunt and say just anything.

She also explained what heat meant and it sounded so bad I hoped I never fall into heat.

I asked Angeline who her mate was but she just brushed the topic away like it was forbidden.

At some point I started to think Asher was her mate because of how they both looked at each other but then I'd think otherwise because they were always fighting 24/7.

Aside from Luna and mate prep, I was also brought into training by Lucas who I learnt was the leader of the pack warriors.

He was so brutal in his teachings that I felt my bones breaking everytime.

I hardly saw Callum unless when he came to pick me up from the company or anywhere I was at a certain time.

As a celebrity, my schedule was always tight but I still managed to go back to the pack every single day.

Speaking of the devil, I saw a handsome looking Callum walk into the dressing room where I was.

"Hello mate." I chimed.

Hey lovelies 💜

A new chapter as promised.

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