24.Is this the end?

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Callum's POV

I had no other choice but to transform into my wolf just so Skylar would believe me.

She stared at my wolf shock written all over her face. I went behind the building to change, Caleb following after me with some clothes.

"What the f*ck did I just witness?!" Skylar yelled the moment I got back.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked.

"So...so you guys are werewolves?" She asked.

"Yes we are" Asher answered the question.

"And Natalia is my mate that's why we got married today. Does all of it make sense now?" I said and she glared at me before turning to Natalia.

"Whatever the case Talia, you should have told me, why did you hide it from me? Were you planning to hide it from me forever?" She said.

"I'm sorry Sky. I definitely would have told you sometime." Natalia said.

"Let's just talk about this some other time. Right now, I need my space." Skylar said left.

I went to hold Natalia who was at the brink of tears.

"We should go home." I said and they started heading to the family van they came with while I headed to my car with Natalia. She was quiet all through the drive home and I couldn't really bring her to say a word so I just let her be.

We got home before the others. I guessed they stopped by a store or something.

Natalia was sleeping by the time we reached. I carried her bridal style up to our room, very careful not to wake her. Today was supposed to be a joyous day but that was ruined somehow. At this very point as I watched my mate sleep, I made a promise to myself to make her always happy.....

I heard a knock on the door which broke me from my thoughts. How didn't I notice they got back already?

"Son it's me, I want to give Natalia some fruits." I heard my mother's soft voice. I walked towards the door and opened it.

"It's alright Mom, she's asleep right now." I said taking the tray of grapes and watermelon from her. "I'll have her eat these later on." I said and she nodded.

"Son I feel so bad for Natalia." Mom said and I sighed.

"Me too Mom, I really do. But right now..." I turned to look at Natalia who was still sleeping peacefully on the bed. "All she needs is our strength and support. She should know that we're here for her and that things can be right again." I assured her and she smiled before patting my arm.

"When she has a mate as caring and supportive as you are, she has nothing to fear or worry about. Let me give you two some space" she said.

I shut the door and walked back to the bed.

Amos Quinn's POV

"Lies! All Lies!" I yelled and threw the remote at the television. My daughter got married and I didn't know about it?! How did they expect me to believe that sh*t? I know I don't get along very well with Natalia but she definitely wouldn't have done this right?

"Daddy, it's the truth, the whole country and even beyond has been talking about it. Natalia got married three weeks ago, even Skylar knows about it-"

"Shut the f*ck up! Just shut it and get the hell out of my room! You can go and get married too for all I care!" I yelled at Mila.

Her mother just stood by the corner not daring to say a word because she knew it was pointless once I got angry.

"My love you should calm down now. Why don't we call Natalia and ask about it ourselves?" She finally spoke and I glared at her.

"Yeah you should probably do that after all it's your f*cking fault this happened!" I seethed and stormed out of the room.

I called Aaron my PA and requested for Natalia's current address. I think it was finally time to pay my daughter a little visit.

Natalia's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes.

How did they find out? It happened three weeks ago and things had been glossy. Skylar forgave us after much pleading and no one ever found out I got married so why now? And just how?

I felt my entire world crumbling as I stared at the TV screen with mine and Callums' pictures displayed on it. This wasn't possible, how did the media find out I got married?

Tears slid down my cheeks.
My entire career was ruined.
The reviews were negative.
Everyone hated this.
Everyone hated me....

What's gonna happen now? What's gonna happen to Natalia Quinn the whole world once loved?

I turned off the TV. I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much. The grief was weighing me down. I silently walked towards into the walk-in-wardrobe and took out my luggage.

More tears streamed my cheeks as I started dumping my clothes into the luggage. I took some of Callums' T-shirts too. We were married, the past three weeks had been so blissful and I loved him way too much. But I had to leave.

It was his fault. All this was his fault.

If I never met him, I would still be the Natalia the whole world loves. But right now, I am nothing. Everyone of them hates me.

I finally closed the luggage and changed into a set of matching hoodie and sweatpants. It was cold outside and these days I tend to get cold easily.

I took out a note pad and left a small note for Callum. He was out for pack business and the others went to visit a family friend who was grieving. I stayed home today because I was feeling under the weather.

When I was done with the note, I read through it just to make sure I made no mistakes.

To my dear mate;

Words can't explain how much I love you. You have been the light of my life these past few months and I'll forever be grateful to you.

I'm very sorry that I had to leave like this but I don't think I can bear this pain. It seems our love isn't strong enough to overcome every challenge thrown our way because this feels like my life has been taken from me.

I'm trying not to blame you but all this wouldn't have happened if I never met you. My dear Callum, I love you so much and I hope you know that....

Yours truly

I placed the note under the lamp stand and blinked back a tear before leaving the room with my luggage.

Is this the end? I thought to myself.

Hey lovelies

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, pls keep voting and commenting

Love you all, Xoxo

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