15.Revealing Secrets

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Natalia's Pov

Callum's family were really nice. After Callum left with his friends, I got curious and Angeline why they left all of a sudden and she replied me too quickly making suspect.

She said they had some business but I could tell there was something wrong. There was fear laced in her voice and I could also see her Mom looked worried, something wass definitely up.

I excused myself to go to the toilet.

Angeline showed me to the guest toilet but I had other plans. After she left me alone, I successfully sneaked out of the house without either of them knowing.

I tried calling Callum but he wouldn't pick up so I traced him through his location on my phone.

I finally got to the location which was an alley but there was no one around. Then I saw his phone on the floor, he must have dropped it.

I picked it up and was about going back when I heard a growl. I was very sure I wasn't hearing things. I walked down until I reached an opening.

I was shocked and petrified by what I saw next. Twenty to thirty wolves were there gathering something I couldn't see.

My heart raced faster.

"Wolves?!" I said and the wolves turned to me. One ran off into the forest and three others ran after it.

I took a step back knowing better than to run when more than twenty feral animals were watching me.

I kept on stepping back but surprising none of them moved to me. I didn't know what was happening but all of a sudden they all disappeared behind trees and what I saw next shocked the living shit out of me.

The group of wolves I just saw had all somehow transformed to humans. How did that happen?!

I was still trying to process what I just witnessed when Callum walked towards me from behind a tree, wearing basketball shorts.

If it were in some other situation, I'd probably be drooling over his smooth eight-pack chest and well defined muscles but right now I was too confused to do that.

"Cal?" I asked unsure when he finally got to me.

"Listen baby, please try not to freak out. Let me explain everything." He said calmly. Was that fear I saw in his eyes? But why? Shouldn't I be the one who's feeling scared right now? But why am I not scared? So many questions but so little answers.

I sighed and looked at the other guys who just stood quietly.

"Who are they? Who are you? What are you?" I asked a bit rushed because I was getting really anxious now.

"These are the pack warriors, I am their Alpha andd you're my Luna." He said and I raised an eyebrow. What did he mean by that? Was he serious about the werewolf thing this whole time?

Well that would explain why the hell I just saw a bunch of freaking wolves transform into humans.

"You...you weren't joking the whole time?" I asked and he nodded.

"Please just come to the house with me, let me explain better." He said. His eyes held so many emotions.

I agreed and followed him to the house. The other men went some other place. Why were they waiting to begin with? Weird.

When we got to the house, Angeline and Christy, Callum's mother rushed out.

"Cal baby, I'm sorry, I didn't know when she got out." Christy said in a pleading voice.

Callum didn't say anything but just led me inside.

Once we got to the living room, I sat down waiting to hear whatever he had to say.

"I'm all ears." I said. He stood in front of me looking like some five year old waiting to get scolded for doing something wrong.

I almost laughed at that thought but I didn't. This matter was much serious.

"I'm a werewolf. Not just any regular werewolf but an Alpha. Alpha of the Night Moon pack. Everyone who lives around here are werewolves. Asher is my Beta and Caleb my gamma.

My mom here was the previous Luna, her mate which is my Dad passed away a couple years back.

You Natalia happen to be my mate and that's why I approached you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I didn't want you to leave me." He said and I just nodded, not knowing what to say.

This was too much information to process.

"Please Natalia, accept my brother, then we can live together, please." Angeline said coming to sit beside me.

I stared at her, then at Christy before focusing my gaze on Callum.

"I know this is too much for you, I could leave you for a few days to take this all in but if you leave me, I'll die, please baby, don't reject me." Callum said.

I stood up and walked towards the window.

"Okay." I said after a few minutes of silence.

I turned towards them.

"I'll be your Luna." I said.

Hey guys!

This is a b'day gift from me to y'all. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Keep voting and commenting 💜

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