6.Mr Werewolf

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Callum's POV

I had just gotten to the pack house and was preparing for bed. I decided to call my mate as I was already missing her.

I jumped on my bed and took my phone and called her number. She didn't answer until the sixth ring.

"Yes hello?" I heard her angelic voice say over the phone.

"Hello sweetheart." I beamed.

"Who's this?" She asked and I felt slightly disappointed that my mate didn't recognize my voice.

"How could you forget me so soon, dear girl?" I asked her and she stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Well, hello." Oh seemed like she remembered me after all.

"Glad you remembered." I said.

"Yeah, I don't really keep a mental note of my fans." She said and I chuckled.

"I must be special then seeing as you still know me." I said.

"Not everyday you see a 'werewolf' right?" She said, mockery clear in her voice. Am loving this mate of mine already.

"I guess not. Anyway what you doing tomorrow?"

"You seem way too interested for a fan. What's your deal, Mr werewolf?" She asked.

"I just want to see you, my mate." I said. I heard her laugh.

"Is 'mate' some kind of werewolf theory?" She asked.

"You can think of it that way. How about we meet tomorrow and then I'll tell you all about it." I said getting really frustrated now that she just thought of all these as a joke.

Though I needed to take things slow with her, it was getting really frustrating now. I just wanted to tell her all about werewolves already.

"Well my schedule's pretty loaded tomorrow. I don't have that much time as a celebrity." She said.

I sighed.

"Alright. You should go to sleep now, and by the way, my name's Callum. Make sure to save my number." I said and put the phone down.

Tomorrow I'm going to see my mate.

The next morning, I dressed up and strode out of the pack house.

"Going somewhere?" I heard Angeline my younger sister say, appearing from behind the house.

"Yeah." I replied walking towards my car.

"Did you find your mate?" She asked again walking behind me. I turned to her.

"Did you find yours?" I said and she grimaced.

"Are you trying to mock me right now?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Then stay out of my business." I stated simply walking towards the driver's side of my car.

She followed me and held the car's door, preventing me from entering the vehicle.

"What do you want Angie?" I asked irritated. She never knew the right time to annoy me.

"Answers." She replied. I sighed. She definitely wouldn't let me go until I replied her.

"Fine, yes I did. Happy now?" I asked irritated.

Her eyes lit and she squealed.

"Shut it will you? No one knows about it yet and I want it to stay that way." I said.

"What? Why? We definitely should tell everyone." She said and turned to go inside but I held her hand.

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated you know." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What is?" She asked.

"Well my mate is a human and a celebrity at that. So it's not that easy. I have to gain her trust and love before I can tell anyone." I explained. Her face fell but then she smiled again.

"That's thrilling. It makes it much more fun!" She yelled and I mentally face palmed. She's supposed to be quiet about this.

At this rate everyone in my pack will find out. I should have thought better before spilling to this parrot of a sister.

"Don't you have classes today? Go now. Bye." I said and pulled her lightly from the car's door and entered it before driving away.

I drove to my mate's company. I walked into the large building holding a camera I bought the day before.

I'm going to see my mate pretending to be part of the camera crew.

I walked to the receptionist asking for Natalia's shooting room. I was shown the elevator that I could take to the eleventh floor where Natalia was by the gullible receptionist.

I entered the elevator and pressed the buttons. Right now I really resembled a photographer with the outfit and nerdy glasses I had on.

I hung the rope attached to the camera around my neck and held a small black bag.

The elevator bell chimed and I gracefully walked out. A large hall buzzing with people came into view.

I walked towards the last room by the left just like the receptionist had instructed.

The room had transparent double doors and I could see the people inside the room.

"Oh are you the new photographer? You're already late, come on in." A middle aged man said ushering me in.

I walked in and my eyes scanned the room searching for my sole purpose of coming here.

I saw her at the other end of the large room. She was sitting on a white couch, legs crossed. Camera lights flashed on her face as she sat gracefully making different poses.

I just stood there admiring her beauty and elegance.

"Okay let's take a small break." A man yelled and Natalia rose from the chair. A lady walked to her and they were speaking to each other before her eyes scanned the room then met mine.

She paused for a while then spoke something to the lady before walking towards me.

"It's my werewolf fan." She said when she got to me.

"Nice to see you again, mate." I replied smiling.

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