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Natalia's POV

I walked into the house quietly not wanting to wake Sky who was sleeping on the couch. She would be sure to give me an earful but I didn't need that right now.

I successfully walked past her and towards the stairs but luck wasn't on my side today.

She stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes slightly. On seeing me, she woke fully and jolted up.

"I see you finally decided to come home?" She said walking towards me who didn't dare move an inch from where I stood on the stairs.

I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head.

"Actually, I wasn't going to spend more than an hour out but certain circumstances arose that led to me coming now." I said hoping she'll buy that but it's Sky we're talking about here.

"And by certain circumstances you mean eating in some restaurant despite the risk of being seen?!" She half yelled. "You were supposed to come straight home after shopping not go to some eatery!" She continued. I started climbing the stairs slowly.

"Freeze!" She yelled again and I paused.

"True I could have being seen, but I wasn't right?" I said putting on my most dramatic face. Been an actress did come in handy sometimes.

"Ha! You think you're so smart young lady. Come here let me teach you a lesson." She said and I took that as my queue to run.

Y'all might be thinking why am so scared of my manager/best friend. Well if you've lived with someone who's so strict and beats your ass whenever you err, then you'll understand.

Though Sky's only five years older than me, she behaved like my mother. Only Sky scolded me and comforted me at the same time. She is the only true family I have, ever since my mother died ten years ago.

Back to the present I was busy running around the L shaped couch in my room with Sky circling me.

"I might let this slip if you surrender now." She said obviously exhausted from running after me.

"Indeed Sky, you never let me off, you'd discipline me whatsoever." I said standing behind the couch. She was front of me sending me death glares. If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.

She sighed and scratched her eyebrow. She did that whenever she was tired or frustrated about something.

"I promise, I'll let you off this time." She said calmly but I knew she was far from that.

"Not happening." I said and made to run again in case she'll chase me.

She muttered something under her breath and smiled at me.

"I made your favorite carrot cake and I know I don't let you eat after 7pm but today I'll let you eat." She said and my ears perked.

Carrot cake? Oh how I love carrot cake! She knows me too well but am not going to fall for it. I can smell a trap.

"And, I added chocolate topping and yummy berries." She continued. Okay screw whatever trap I smell! Am having that cake. With that in mind, I walked towards her.

"Okay!" I yelled and grabbed her arm as she led us to the kitchen downstairs.

As I seated by the kitchen Island waiting for my cake. Sky appeared behind me and smacked my back.

"Owie!" I shrieked and stood up rubbing my back. "What was that for?!" I yelled still rubbing my back. It stung like hell.

"That's for collecting bribe." She said.

"What?!" I yelled. She slapped my ass this time.

"What was that for?!" I yelled really annoyed this time.

"And that's for staying out late." She replied and walked towards the oven.

"This wasn't our agreement." I said rubbing my sore ass.

"Yeah, it wasn't. That's because there was no agreement in the first place. I was just tricking you." She said and brought out a cake pan. My nostrils were filled with the aroma of deliciousness.

"No fair! What do you think my fans would do to you if they found out how you treated me?" I asked dramatically.

"Probably applaud me." She said and placed a plate of cake front of me. I immediately forgot my anger and dived into the tasty goodness.

Sky laughed at how I hungrily ate the cake and requested for more. She declined and said it was bed time.

I grumbled but obeyed anyway, not like I'd win if we got into an argument about it.

I bid her goodnight and went up to my room. I changed into my Jammies. I placed my hair in a messy bun and sat front of my mirror.

Time for beauty routine. I put on my facial mask and climbed on my bed facing the ceiling. Maybe I should see what the news had to say about me today.

I put on the large screen TV facing my bed. I tuned to the news channel and my face popped up on the TV screen. I smiled wildly as I relaxed to watch the news.

They were talking about my new movie whose first scene was shot today. Though it was yet to be released, the news still chose to talk about it.

I was going to switch channels as the news about me was over now when my phone rang.

I groaned because my phone was on the L shaped couch which was far from me.

I stood up and went to get it.

"Yes hello?" I said tiredly while walking back to my bed.

"Hello sweetheart." I heard a familiar deep voice say. I looked at the caller's ID but it was an unknown number.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"How could you forget me so soon, dear girl?" I heard the person say. I frowned in concentration as I tried to remember where I heard this voice.

Then it hit me.

The weird guy from the supermarket earlier today.

"Well, hello." I said grinning.

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