11.Bag full of surprises 2

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Natalia's POV

Everything was taking a toll on me. My father was forcing me to get engaged and if I didn't, the consequences would be severe.

I wasn't afraid of my father, I was just afraid of loosing my career.

When Callum came I felt relieved.

I felt so safe in his arms.

When Sky came, I was really hoping she got to convince my Dad.

She didn't get to convince him though. But we came up with a better plan.

If my dad wouldn't cancel the engagement, then we'll get everyone else to.

This is where the power of my fandom comes in. We got an additional media crew to air the whole thing live, unknowingly to my Dad.

I knew from day one that Ezra was cheating on me with Mila. But I didn't really care because I never wanted to marry Ezra.

Time after time, I will run into them making out or cuddling up. But all of these times, never once did they see me.

I never watched them because I never cared but I was smart enough to capture them on my phone for future reference.

You never know when it'll come in handy.

So today was that perfect day. I didn't know why I never thought of it before but now I did.

True this may affect my image as my fans all over the world would be watching this but this was my only option left.

Right now, the pictures were displaying on the screen and I could see the look of horror in my Dad, stepmom, Mila and Mr Gantzler's faces.

I looked beside me to see Ezra who was staring at the projector with his mouth dropping to the ground.

I cleared my throat and continued my little speech.

"I was going to 'happily' get engaged to Mr Gantzler but after seeing all these, I realized he wasn't the one for me."

I looked over at Ezra and gave him a small smirk before quickly changing my expression to that of a bereaved widow.

"My dear Liadlings and every guest present here today, do you think it's right for me to get engaged and later marry a man who cheats on me?" I said, Liadlings referring to my fandom.

Everyone started muttering amongst themselves and started yelling no while sending Ezra angry looks.

Am glad most of the invited guests were my fans. I could tell from the way their faces lit when I walked in.

Some started throwing food at Ezra and I shifted to a corner to avoid getting stoned accidentally.

I saw my Dad silently staring at me. I knew this was the calm before the storm.

My stepmom however was quick to show her anger after all it was her 'dear' daughter who was been displayed on TV right now.

She shot up and walked to the stage picking up a stray mic.

"Hello everyone." She started and the noises and food throwing at Ezra stopped.

"I'm sorry for all these. I never knew my future son in law would do something so vile. Just like my daughter said, I'm afraid we'll have to call off this engagement. Thank you all for coming but you may all leave now" She finished and walked down from the stage not after glaring at me.

The live streaming ended and Mr Gantzler angrily left with Ezra following behind him shamefully.

I went to Sky and she hugged me. I smiled at Callum who just smiled back.

The guests started leaving. Some approached me asking for autographs and some apologizing for my failed engagement.

What they didn't know was I was glad it failed. But I played along putting on a sad face. Oh, the perks of being an actress.

The crowd dispersed and it was remaining Sky, Callum and my family in the large room.

My Dad who had just been sitting there all through finally walked up to me.

He stared long enough at me and I just smiled.

"You threatened me Dad. But you should have known that am just like you. Anything I set my mind on, I accomplish.

I told you nicely to call of the engagement but you refused so I did what I did. But well at least now you know how slutty your daughter over there can get." I said looking over at Mila.

She was standing in a corner, burning in fury. My stepmom was beside her also glaring at me.

In normal sceneries wouldn't the mother get mad at her daughter for whoring away with the other daughter's fiance?

Well I guess I've been in way too many movies, time to come to real life.

"You made a mistake Natalia. Even though you found out what Ezra and Mila were doing behind closed doors, you should have been quite about it and just gotten engaged.

You should have confronted them about it long before or after the engagement. Why did you have to do that in front of so many guests?!

Those were trusted business partners and wealthy clients you disgraced me front of!" He yelled, his veins popping out.

"I don't freaking care, Dad. If you really want a business alliance with Mr Gantzler, then you should give the willing daughter to him.

As for me, am not going to think twice about disgracing you again so I'm asking nicely not to meddle in my business or force me to do your will because I won't." I said really angry.

He knew about Mila and Ezra yet he still wanted to get me engaged to him. I can't believe this man standing front of me is my father.

I turned to leave then looked at Mila and smirked.

"Do continue your fun with Ezra, dear sister." I said and left.

I walked outside to be met with the media. They were asking lots of questions about my failed engagement but they couldn't get to me as my bodyguards were holding them back.

I quickly got in the limo with Sky and Callum.

Now I got away from my father and the engagement, time to face the real world.

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