Ch.1-Bad news

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(In music club group chat)
Zander: you guys bad news
Zander: my arm is shattered😀😀
Luke: omg
Luke: are u okay????!!!
Zander: fell
Zander: yeah 😭
Jake: my god😭😭
Jake: say sike rn.
Jake: I'm sorry but that's so funny😭😭
Zander: yeah I'm okay don't worry💔💔
Luke: I'm sorry honey😕
Zander: it's okay il be fine😭😭
Zander: ask ur mom to come over plsss but later
Luke: I will😊
Sean: keep us updated


"My god Zander" Luke said, pulling Zander into a rushed hug. "I was so worried about you"

Shannon chuckled. "No worries dear. He'll be fine"

Luke pecked Zander on the lips. "Still. I don't want you getting hurt"

Luke's mom often stayed for a glass of wine when she dropped him off at the Austin/Wickham household. Her and Shannon had had a pretty close friendship ever since their sons became best friends.

Mrs. Peterson held a cigarette between her middle and ring finger, blowing out a puff of smoke into the Wickhams clean kitchen. "My Shannon. Those boys are something"

Shannon chuckled. "Something indeed."

"Um.. we're gonna go upstairs mom. I'll see you tomorrow" Luke said, smiling at his kind mother.

Like definitely took after his mother. Zander adored his nurturing traits, but also how he took risks.

"Alright babe. Have a great night"

"You too. I love you!"

"I love ya too"

Luke turned back to Zander and they headed upstairs to Zander's bedroom.

"I was so worried sweetie" Luke said, sitting beside Zander at the head of his bed.

"I know I'm sorry. Thank you for caring so much though"

Luke nodded, leaning his head on Zander's good shoulder. His left shoulder.

His right arm was in a cast with a sling around his shoulder.

"Did they tell you how long you have to wear it?"

Zander nodded yes. "A rough estimate. Gonna be a while though because I also have to get surgery on my shoulder"

"Oh my god." Luke said, cutting himself off by pressing his lips onto Zander's. This kiss was needy. Almost desperate. Zander could tell Luke was incredibly worried.

The kiss lasted only a bit longer before Zander pulled away, wrapping his arm around Luke in a sort of half-hug.

"I'm gonna be fine. Don't even worry baby" Zander said into Lukes shoulder.

"I know your gonna be fine but you know me. I worry about everything"

Zander nodded. Luke does worry about everything. He loves that—along with everything else about Luke—with all of his heart.

With Zander's degree of daddy issues, a person like Luke was exactly what he needed.

They laid together in silence for a while, enjoying each other's presence. Every once in a while they would share a short kiss, but other then that the only sound in the room was their breathing.

"I love you Luke"

"I love you too Zan"

"Thank you for being here with me. I'm trying not to care but I am worried. Hopefully I can still play piano as well as before"

Luke chuckled. "Well, that's one of the perks of being ambidextrous"

Zander turned to his lover, a light hearted smirk across his face. "Yeah, true."

There was a strange amount of silence between them that usually wasn't there. Most of the time they just said whatever in front of each other. It's easy being comfortable when you've known someone for as long as they've known each other.

But right now, Zander is thinking he doesn't want to tell Luke what's on his mind.

Stress, anxiety about his upcoming surgery, but mostly how much love his heart holds for his golden-eyed lover.

Zander had always nicknamed Luke 'his sunshine'. While it was only a joke of a nickname, Zander was starting to think it may be true.

Luke was like his sunshine.

"I'm not excited for school tomorrow" Luke said, picking at his finger nails.

"How come?"

Luke shrugged. "I'm not sure honestly. I just don't want to go"

Zander nodded. "Me neither. For obvious reasons."

"I feel like I can always just tell when a day is going to suck. I have that feeling right now" Luke frowned.

"Well yeah, but at least we get to have a sleepover on a school night" Zander replied.

Luke laughed at his mood-lightening remarks. "At least"


FIRST CHAPTER DONE HAH😭 I really hope you guys like this story because I'm very excited about it!

I actually have an idea of wear I want it to go so-😭😭

This chapter is short but chapter 2 is about 300 words longer😭😭

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