Ch. 12 - Short Stories

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I miss writing this story sm 💔💔I need to get attached to a plot line again

Soooo here is some extra stories cuz I want to💔

Also not me forgetting which arm Zander broke


Zander groaned quietly under his breath. The discomfort he was feeling was almost unreal. The skin under his cast was hot and sweaty, and Luke's oversized sweatshirt he was wearing wasn't making it any better.

And to make it even more terrible, he had an itch on his back that his healthy arm couldn't reach.

"What's up your ass?" Henry said, his voice barely heard in the noisy classroom. Unfortunately, Zander was tasked with sitting beside Henry for the entire quarter. It was like a baby sitting job.

"Why do you care?" Zander replied, resting his face onto his desk. The cold wood cooled his body down, brightening his mood ever so slightly.

Henry shrugged. "I dunno. I heard about Stacy and Luke and the whole situation, and I honestly feel kind of bad."

"Tch. Tell me about it. If you must know, I can't reach the itch on my back." Zander responded, placing his arm on his desk to use as a pillow.

"I could get it for you if you want."

Zander furrowed his eyebrows. "Uhhh.. okay.."

"Where is it?"

"Uh.. it's like in the middle of my back and to the left a little"

Henry reached over to Zander and gently scratched the spot in his back, retracting his hand as he made eye contact with a fuming auburn-haired-drummer.

"Dude, I think I just made your boyfriend jealous" Henry whispered, leaning in closer to Zander.

Zander looked back at Luke. As soon as the drummer noticed his boyfriend he put on a smile and waved gently.

Zander shrugged. "I guess so, huh?"

Zander buried his face back into his sleeve. "Thanks."

"No problem dude."

Zander smirked into the red crewneck sweatshirt. Did he feel bad? Yes. But he also was sort of happy to know Luke still got jealous. Maybe Luke wasn't losing feelings after all.

(A/N silly Zander Luke was never losing feelings)


( takes place during chapter 6)

Luke wrapped his arm around his boyfriends torso, pulling him into the spooning position, taking in the sweet smell of his cologne, burying his face in his hair.

He placed gentle kisses in Zander's neck, tracing over the purple marks he had left previously as a sign of love.

"Your mom is gonna be pissed when she sees those, Alex" Luke said, breaking the silence that filled the pitch black room.

"Who cares?"

Luke chuckled. "Hopefully she doesn't try to give us the sexy talk again."

"Oh god... I think I'd rather die."

Luke pulled his boyfriend in closer. He couldn't believe this angel laying beside him could ever doubt their love.

"I'm sorry sweetie" Luke said, voice slightly mumbled into Zander's violet hair.

"For what?"


Zander paused for a minute, taking in what Luke had just said.

"Thanks I guess.. you don't need to feel bad because I have issues."

Luke held him even tighter. "Don't say that baby. You don't have issues. And even if you do, as your boyfriend, I should be better at respecting your boundaries."

Luke felt Zander nodding softly.

"I hope you know how much I love you. You know that Stacy could never replace you in a million years right? I've loved you ever since I could remember"

"I love you too. And.. I know, but it just hurts when she looks at you."

Lukr planted a kiss in Zander's hair. "I know baby. I can't control how she looks at me. But just know that I would never see her as anything more then a friend."

"I'm glad we got to have a sleepover tonight.. it's been nice talking things out. And kissing."Zander said, laughing quietly at the second bit.

"I agree"

Luke nuzzled his face into the back of Zander's neck, once again taking in his warm scent and body temperature, being careful to avoid his broken arm.


I will possibly write more of these in the near future if people like them:)

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