Ch.5 - Hospital

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The hospital waiting room was possibly Zander's least favorite place. The last place he wanted to be on his Tuesday morning.

Though he'd rather be here then have to go to
band practice. He did not want to be in the same room as Stacy and Luke at the same time.

Zander and Michael had been sitting in their uncomfortable plastic chairs for about 25 minutes now. Zander was unbelievably bored.

He pulled his phone out, opening Luke's contact.

Zander: hey Luke
Zander: can you come over after school?
Zander: I'm bored and lonely
Luke: sure babe!
Luke: I'm always here for you when you feel lonely 💞
Zander: thanks
Zander: 💞
Luke: please please please keep me updated on what the doctor says, I'm worried about you!!
Zander: I will. We've been waiting for 25.
Luke: that sucks🙁 I'm sorry honey

Zander stared at the chat, not knowing what he wanted to say. Before he could think of a message he was called back by the nurse.

"Hi Alexander, you can follow me back to room 210" said the nurse. "I'm nurse Jennifer but you can call me Jenny."

He nodded.

"Most people call him Alex or Zander so feel free" Michael said, smiling.

She opened the door for him and he sat himself down on the bed. The nurse pulled up his physical form. "Oh. Looks like you need a physical. We could do that really quickly while we wait for the doctor?"

He nodded.

"Dad I'm gonna need you to step out for this one."

Michael nodded. "Okay! Good luck Zander"

"Thank you" Zander replied giving Michael and thumbs up.

"Can I have your date of birth"


"Do you use any drugs or alcohol?"

"Nope," he said, a smile finding his face. "Never"

"No smoking in any form?"

He nodded no.

"Okay.. are you sexually active?"

(A/n they never believe me when I say no to this like wow you think I'm cool😍)

He laughed at the question. "No, not at all" he said, still smiling.

She laughed too. "Okay.. perfect. Are you currently seeing anyone?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

"Aww! Who's the lucky girl?"

Zander's faced contorted into a type of questioning, but also hysterical look. "Boy. Lucky boy. His name is Luke."

"Ah, my apologies. That's lovely. How do you feel your mood is? Anxious, depressed, stressed?"

He shrugged. "Um.. kind of all but not bad"

He knew he was lying. But he didn't want to be sent to the psych ward or anything. The nurse continued asking him various embarrassing questions, which he lied to most of. he doesn't need the lecture.

"Okayyy.. so it looks like you have a pretty badly broken arm." She says, pointing to two cracked spots on his x-ray.

He nodded. "Yes. In my upper forearm and my shoulder"

"Okay. so I'm going to get the doctor in here and he's going to run some tests on you to determine whether or not you're going to need the surgery"

Zander nodded. He pulled his phone out as soon as she left.

Zander: sorry they were asking me a bunch of questions
Luke: no worries!
Zander: the doctors about to come in
Zander: I'm nervous
Luke: it's okay, I'm here for you remember? Whatever the verdict is, I will come over tonight and I will help you through it.
Zander: thank you. I'm gonna go now. I love you
Luke: Okayy I love you so much!❤️❤️❤️
Zander: ❤️❤️

Zander placed his phone in his pocket. He couldn't wait for this doctors visit to be over. He wanted to be laying in his bed, resting his stupid arm.

Not too long after, the doctor came in, re-asked Zander the embarrassing questions, put him in machines and ran tests on him, and the doctor was finally giving him and Michael the verdict.

"Okay, so, this is a really bad break. And obviously we want Zander to have full mobility in this arm again. And I think the best way to do so is to do the surgery as soon as possibly."

Zander's heart dropped.

"It's a really terrible break. And in two places it's just.. not a great chance of this arm completely healing without surgery. So let's set the closest date we can."

The doctor opened the computer and pulled up a schedule. "So.. it looks like the closest date would be next Friday, October 26th."

His heart dropped all over again. He had tingle in his stomach, and his whole body was shaking

"Perfect" Michael said.

"No, I can't that day. I have to watch Luke and Hailey"

Michael furrowed his eye brows. "Well, I know you want to watch them but this is a very important procedure"

Zander looked down at his lap. "Whatever. They don't want me there anyway"

Michael awkwardly looked at the doctor. "The 26th is perfect. Thank you."

They spent another twenty minutes in there for Michael to do a bunch of paper work. Meanwhile Zander was on the verge of crying the entire time.

Zander: I need it
Luke: need what? The surgery??
Zander: Mhm
Luke: omg. When are you getting it?
Zander: fucking Friday
Luke: this Friday?
Zander: nope. The 26. The day of the comp
Luke: oh
Zander: I'm sorry
Luke: it's okay, it's not your fault 🙁

"Okay Zander, let's get going"

Zander stood up. "Finally"

The entire walk to the car and car ride home Zander was upset.

"It's okay Zander, I'll video it for you."

"Video isn't the same. And besides, now mom won't be able to watch them because of me. I'm ruining everything."

Michael stepped into the driver seat of the car. "You're not ruining anything bud. This is just a little bump in the road."

"It.. it doesn't matter. I don't care."

"No, if it's bothering you we can talk about it"

Michaels remark made Zander feel good. Good to be cared about. In a way, Zander was glad Michael was his father figure and not his real father.

"I'm just a messed up kid. I'm fine"

Micheal furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean messed up?"

"I don't trust anyone. I have anger issues? I have jealousy problems? I have everything wrong with me imaginable?"

Michael started the car. "I'm sorry. This isn't your fault though. You getting injured isn't you screwing anything up. Everything will be okay"

"Yeah, thanks dad." Zander said. He hadn't even meant to call Michael dad. But it made them both smile.

The care ride was silently, but Zander felt a little better.

All thanks to Michael.


This was a bit rushed😭
Also I know that you can't just go into the doctors office and they're like ur getting surgery in two weeks but it works for the story 😭😭

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