Ch.2-One-Armed Pianist

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"So what's it like having a cast?" Milly asked, signing her name in large font across the front of the cast.

Zander rolled his eyes. He tried to tell her not to sign it, but she didn't listen. "Itchy and hot"

"Did you get to pick the color?" She questioned, drawing hearts and emojis around her name.

He nodded yes.

"Why did you pick white then?"

He shrugged. "Because I don't care about the color"

Luke sat down in his chair next to Zander, leaning his face on his hand. "Oooh can I sign it?"

"Yeah sure" Zander said, pulling his casted arm away from Milly and to Luke. "Give him the marker Mil"

Milly rolled her eyes and handed the marker over to Luke. He wrote Zanders three favorite words to hear and underneath signed his name with a heart.

Zander smiled and took his marker back.

"Milly, Zander and Luke. Zander's cast is fabulous but I need you to pay attention" said the teacher, pointing at the notes on the board.

"Sorry" Luke said, pulling a notebook out of his backpack. "I'll send you a copy Zander"

"Thank you" he replied, watching Luke's hand move swiftly across the paper. Luke had very neat handwriting.

Zander admired the lines of text and Luke's strong hands.


Zander's whole day was a blur. He barely had to do any work — which was nice — and before he knew it it was time for band practice.

"Heyyy!!" Milly exclaimed, hugging Luke and then wrapping one arm around Zander.

"Hey you guys" Hailey said, placing a folder down onto Sean's laptop. "There's all the info I got for you Sean."

"What's in the folder?" Milly asked. If curiosity killed the cat was an accurate saying, Milly would be a dead man.

"Candidates for a new pianist" she said, pulling a chair next to Sean and sitting down.

"Wait what?" Zander asked, walking over and taking the folder. "You're kicking me out over an arm?"

She shook her head. "I'm not kicking you out. As annoying as you may be, we just need a replacement until your arm heals. We can't play at the competition without a pianist"

"You have a pianist!" He exclaimed, his eye brows furrowing and his cheeks going red.

"Yeah, a pianist with one arm" Hailey replied, her voice breathy and annoyed.

Zander's working arm fell to his waist. "Paul Wittgenstein did it!"

she nodded. "Sure did. But last time I checked, your Zander Wickham. Not Paul Wittgenstein."

"So you're replacing me?" He said. "That's very ableist"

She groaned. "You aren't disabled dumbass. You just have a broken arm. You'll live"

"I'm telling mom!" He said. Sitting angrily in his piano seat.


He sat silently for a moment, fiddling with his fingers. "Who's your top candidate?"

She sighed. "You aren't gonna like this very much. As of right now, the top candidate is Stacy."

"WHAT! You can't be serious. Stacy like,, Stacy Davis? Like the one who kissed Luke? Thats my replacement?"

"I'm sorry Zander! It's just, she's really good."

Zander stood up, walked out, and slammed the door behind him.

"Zander! Wait!" Luke called out, running after his boyfriend.

"God. First we're down a pianist, then a drummer" Hailey sighed. "And, where's Jake?"

Milly shrugged. "He told me he had to go turn in some permit thing to his councilor"

As if on cue, Jake walked into the small music room, leaning against the door. "Sorry Hailey I-"

"Turned in a permit? Got it."

He made a face at Milly that read 'what the hell is up with her?' Milly shrugged.

"Where's Zander and Luke?" Jake asked.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe if you'd been here on time you'd know"

"Jeesh. Sorry."

"Hailey and Zander got into a fight because she's replacing him with Stacy"

"Stacy Davis?"

Milly nodded. "Stacy Davis."

Jakes face read confused. "Wait so, your kicking Zander out?"

She nodded no. "Nope. He just needs a replacement while his arm heals. We need a pianist for our song, and its too late to change anything."

"Oh. Stacy Davis though? That's wild." Jake said. He walked up to the microphone stand and unraveled the cord, plugging it into the wall.


"Zander!" Luke called out, walking backwards in front of Zander to stop him. They found themselves in the bathroom. Luke grabbed his lovers hand.

"This is so stupid!" He said.

Luke pulled him into a hug. "It's okay baby. No one's a better pianist than you"

"I'm not worried about her playing better Luke! She kissed you!"

"Listen Zander. Nothing will happen. She's just gonna play for you for a couple of weeks and then everything will be back to normal. You'll be the pianist, she'll just be the girl who liked me a month ago."

He paused, tilting Zander's chin up with his pointer finger.

"I don't even think she likes me anymore."
Luke kissed Zander for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Hey that's funny, that's the exact same thing Stacy did to you. How would you feel if someone kissed me and then replaced you in the competition?"

Luke frowned. "I wouldn't feel good. And I'm not saying you have to feel good. Because it is an unfortunate situation. I'm just trying to help however I can sweetie"

Zander frowned. Luke tucked Zander's hair behind his ear. "I know. Thank you."

"Everything will be okay honey. I promise"

2 chapters in one night cuz I feel like it😭😭

Hopefully you r enjoying!!!

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