Ch.6 - closer

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So I decided to re-write chapter six cuz I didn't like it😭😭

Also sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy with work and my bae 😣

Tw: some smooch smooch🤭

By the time Michael and Zander had gotten home, Michael had approximately 12 minutes to get to work and Zander had 3 more hours until he could see Luke.

He made himself mac n cheese, though he struggled to lift the pot with his left hand, and ate the entire box by himself.

Zander had a tendency to stress eat.

He waited and waited and waited until finally the clock hit 3. Which meant he got to see Luke as soon as Luke could walk to their house, which was a twenty minute walk from school.

He cleaned up his room while he waited for Luke and Hailey to get home, which only took him ten minutes, so he spent the rest of the time he had laying in his bed. He had been scrolling on his phone for a few minutes when he heard the stairs creaking and footsteps towards his door.

"Hi baby!" Luke beamed, swinging the door open. "How was your appointment?"

"Shitty" Zander replied. He felt guilty when he noticed Luke's smile fading. "How was school?"

"School was great!" Luke smiled, sitting on the corner of Zander's bed. "Though, there wasn't a second I wasn't thinking about you. I missed you"

Zander held his arm open, leaving a space for Luke to cuddle up to his chest.

"I missed you too."

The two boys talked for a long time, until Shannon called them down for dinner, which took them approximately 20 minutes, and then they were back to laying in bed.

The time was now 7:48, the sun had set, and the sky was dark. Zander and Luke shut both of the windows and closed the curtains.

Zander put his LED lights to purple, dimming them slightly. Luke was laying on his chest again.

Zander gently ran his fingers through Luke's auburn hair, placing gentle kisses on the top of his head as time went by.

"Luke?" Zander muttered, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Hmm?" Luke replied sleepily.

There was a knot in Zander's throat, almost preventing him from speaking. He really didn't want to hurt Luke's feelings.

Zander was worried he'd regret what he was about to say. "I feel like we aren't as close as we used to be."

Luke looked up from Zander's chest.


Zander's heart was beating faster then he thought it could go.

"me too."

"I just feel like recently we've been almost distant. Even though we still talk constantly and hang out I just feel.. not the same."

Luke nodded. "I feel exactly the same as you do. But I will love you no matter what. We can get through this together."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, how should we get closer?" Luke questioned, sitting up from Zander's chest.

"Um," Zander started, placing his good hand on Luke's cheek. Luke's hand went to Zander's thigh, rubbing it gently. "I don't know"

Their lips were lingering close to each others. Zander swallowed gently, his face heating up
In a warm blush.

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